Evidence for sustained relief
Outcomes from a 2023 PROCURA study1 show that differential target multiplexed (DTM™) SCS therapy results in an 86.0% upper limb pain (ULP) responder rate with DTM™ SCS at 12 months for an improvement rate ≥ 50% (n = 43).1
PROCURA is an on-label, multicenter, observational clinical study using DTM™ SCS evaluating patients with intractable chronic upper limb pain (VAS ≥ 5 cm) at 11 sites across the United States.1
Upper limb pain relief†,‡
Sustained upper limb pain relief with a mean VAS score of 1.45 cm at 12 months with DTM™ SCS (n = 43)
Upper limb pain responder rate‡
86% — ULP responder rate with DTM™ SCS at 12 months
(≥ 50% improvement). (n = 43)
Upper limb pain profound responder rate
(≥ 80% ULP pain relief)‡
70% — 7 out of 10 patients were profound ULP responders
(≥ 80% relief) with DTM at 12 months.
DTM therapy outcomes1
Subjects reporting ≥ 50% pain relief
at 3-month
follow-up (n = 47)
at 6-month
follow-up (n = 44)
at 12-month
follow-up (n = 43)
Quality-of-life outcomes§
DTM™ SCS provides effective upper limb pain (ULP) relief through 12 months.
- 86.0% ULP responder rate at 12 months
- ULP visual analog scale (VAS) reduced by 79.8%
- 29.6 point reduction in reported patient PDI scores with DTM™ SCS
- 94.9% subject satisfaction rate as very satisfied with DTM™ SCS therapy at 12 months
Talk with your Medtronic representative to learn more about SCS.