Medtronic and its affiliates (“Medtronic”) take claims of copyright infringement seriously. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), Medtronic has adopted and implemented a notice and takedown procedure for copyright owners whose copyrighted works appear without permission on or through Medtronic websites or mobile applications.
Medtronic has designated an agent (“Agent”) to receive and respond to proper written notifications from copyright owners who claim inappropriate use of copyrighted materials on or through Medtronic websites or mobile applications. If Medtronic’s Agent receives a notification in the manner set forth below alleging infringing activity, Medtronic will take whatever action it deems appropriate, in its sole discretion, including removing or limiting access to the content, contacting the relevant Medtronic account holder, and/or terminating any Medtronic account that is found to repeatedly post infringing content.