Discover the MyCareLink Heart™ app.

Patient adherence matters.

Cardiac device patients who are not adherent with remote monitor transmissions will miss out on the following benefits:

  • 50% potential increase in survival rate of patients1–3
  • 35% potential reduction in ER visits4,5
  • 18% potential reduction in length of hospital stay6

The MyCareLink Heart™ app results in 95% patient adherence7 to transmission schedule.

  • 91% patient satisfaction8
Older man in blue shirt standing outside on a sunny day, wearing earbuds, and using his cellphone

Increase clinic efficiency.

A 2019 call characterization study9 shows that 40% of device clinical call burden is due to patient calls surrounding four recurring issues. The MyCareLink Heart™ app is the patient monitor designed to help address these four categories that drive 40% of all clinical call burden.

1. Transmission status

The MyCareLink Heart™ app states in clear language the status of each transmission and allows patients to send a device transmission to their HCP if required.

Smartphone screen displaying messages about a transmission successfully received

2. Connectivity issues

The MyCareLink Heart™ app allows patients the opportunity to check on their connectivity any time, day or night.

Mobile phone screen displaying active communication between the app and heart device on the MyCareLink Heart™ mobile app

3. Disconnected app follow-up

The MyCareLink Heart™ app tells patients not to disconnect but reminds them to reconnect if they do.

MyCareLink Heart™ mobile app notification to reconnect to a device on a mobile phone screen

4. Patient education

The MyCareLink Heart™ app offers answers to patients’ most frequently asked questions.

MyCareLink Heart™ mobile patient education section on a mobile phone screen

Older woman in a blue shirt and jeans smiling while sitting outside on patio furniture

91% patient satisfaction with the MyCareLink Heart™ app8

Troubleshoot with Stay Connected.

Connect patients to troubleshooting support with the Stay Connected service.

Woman smiling at computer with headset next to the Medtronic portfolio of remote monitors

Current challenges

Clinicians spend hours per week handling calls from patients on monitors due to:

  • Connectivity issues
  • Error codes
  • Remote monitor troubleshooting
  • General questions about remote monitor use:
    • “Is my heart monitor working?”
    • “Did you get my transmission?”

Stay Connected service benefits

The Stay Connected service is designed to be every patient’s first point of contact for assistance with:

  • Remote monitor troubleshooting
  • Connectivity issues
  • Exploring new monitoring options

Providing support can help reduce the time patients spend unmonitored due to monitor issues, freeing up time for clinicians to focus on care.

Stay Connected supports you, your patients, and your clinic.

Healthcare professional in blue scrubs looking at a computer while wearing a headset

Clinic action

  • Request — call in to transfer your patient to Stay Connected or submit an online web form.
  • Troubleshoot — review confirmation email that ticket was received and a Stay Connected agent will be contacting your patient to assist.
  • Resolve — review the resolution email sent to your clinic.
This is an image of an older woman wearing a white blouse sitting down while looking at her phone.

Patient action

  • Request — call Stay Connected at 866-470-7709.
  • Troubleshoot — receive monitor troubleshooting assistance.
  • Resolve — issue resolved or new accessory or monitor ordered.

Affectionate family together in the kitchen with fruit, vegetables, and wine on the counter

Take control of your time by ensuring patients remain monitored with the Stay Connected service.

4.74/5 average patient satisfaction score10

Manage your time and data.

AccuRhythm™ AI algorithms for LINQ II™ ICM

The AccuRhythm™ AI platform is an artificial intelligence system that applies deep learning algorithms to LINQ™ II insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) data flowing into the CareLink™ network. The algorithms address the two most common sources of ICM false alerts — atrial fibrillation (AF) and Pause.11–13


AccuRhythm™ AI algorithms can save clinicians approximately 319 hours of false alert review yearly for every 200 LINQ II™ ICM patients.†,14

Graphic showing data flowing from the LINQ II™ ICM to a cloud and to the CareLink™ network

The validation study performance and time study results were projected onto 16,301 LINQ II ICM patients to calculate the time saved per year in 200 LINQ II ICM patients.


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