Medtronic Get Connected service

Connect more patients to remote monitoring with less burden on your clinic.

  • 72% higher patient activation of remote monitoring at 30 days1
  • 1.2 hours saved per patient on setup2
  • 87% of patients recommend the Get Connected service.3
Elderly woman talking on a mobile phone while holding her white, small dog

Get Connected service benefits

Get Connected is a one-to-one remote monitoring onboarding service designed to free up clinicians’ time by supporting patients on their remote monitor journey.

Decorative element

Help patients onboard with the right type of monitor for their lifestyle.

Decorative element

Educate patients on the importance of remote monitoring and answer first transmission questions — at no additional cost to you or your patients.

Get Connected service patient onboarding

Clinic action

1. Enroll and accept patients in the CareLink™ network.

Get Connected service action

2. Educate patient on remote monitoring.
3. Screen patients for optimal monitoring solution.
4. Set up patient monitoring solution.

Reduce disparities.

Improve patient access to care.

A study showed disparities in remote monitoring activation rates are significantly reduced with the Get Connected service compared to controls nationwide.1

Elder male in striped shirt, woman wearing green sweater reading in bed, and group of young adults jumping rope

Early activation for your patients. Greater efficiency for your clinic.

A nationwide remote monitoring activation and adherence study found disparities in remote monitoring activation rates are significantly reduced with the Get Connected service.1

Remote monitoring activation with and without the Get Connected service1

Chart illustrating remote monitoring activation with and without the Get Connected service

† Control represents monitor distribution methods for patients implanted with a pacemaker or defibrillator who are not enrolled in the Get Connected service.

Remote monitor app solution

Remote monitoring using the patient‘s own smartphone or tablet

MyCareLink Heart™ app

The MyCareLink Heart™ app is compatible with BlueSync™-enabled cardiac devices and is best for patients who like using their smartphone or tablet to stay connected.

MyCareLink Heart™ mobile app on a mobile phone
