Advancing the Dose
An educational podcast for healthcare professionals
A1C vs GMI: which should you trust?
Glucose management indicator (GMI) is a CGM metric that shows the current state of a person's glucose management* and can help guide treatment adjustments. How is this metric calculated and how directly does it relate to A1C?
Automated insulin delivery in high-risk youth
This episode explores emerging research of the MiniMed™ 780G system in youth and young adults with elevated A1Cs.
Is precise carb counting becoming obsolete?
Is precise carb counting necessary for people using the MiniMed™ 780G system? This episode looks at recent compelling research comparing precise carb counting to meal estimation and its impact on glycemia in MiniMed™ 780G system users.
Back to school with automation
Students across the nation are returning to the classroom. In addition to zipping up backpacks filled with school supplies, students living with type 1 diabetes will also be preparing their diabetes supplies. Many students will be utilizing diabetes technology including automated insulin delivery systems like the MiniMed™ 780G system. Tune in as we discuss tips to best support MiniMed™ 780G system users as they go back to school.
The myth of CGM MARD
CGM is widely used by people living with type 1 diabetes and is an integral component of automated insulin delivery (AID) systems, like the MiniMed™ 780G system. MARD has been historically used to evaluate the accuracy of CGM systems. What are the limitations of this metric and how useful is it when evaluating AID system accuracy?
All about the MiniMed™ 780G algorithm
Learn all about the SmartGuard™ technology algorithm in the MiniMed™ 780G system directly from Medtronic's senior distinguished engineer, Lou Lintereur.
Consequences of hyperglycemia and why tighter management is crucial
An estimated 2 million Americans are living with type 1 diabetes.* How are we doing as a nation in meeting glycemic targets? In this episode, we discuss the current state of diabetes in the U.S., the risks of hyperglycemia, and why striving for tighter management is crucial.
* Statistics gathered from CDC National Diabetes Statistics Report
This form is for healthcare professionals practicing in the United States only.
If you are a patient looking for more information click here.