Electrical stimulation systems

Percept™ RC neurostimulator with BrainSense™ technology

<p>Percept™ RC is a rechargeable neurostimulator with sensing, directionality, and advanced programming capabilities for deep brain stimulation (DBS).</p>


Patient comfort
Percept™ RC neurostimulator is designed for comfort.

  • The smallest, thinnest, DBS device available.

Rapid recharging
Patients can charge under normal conditions (from 10% to 90% full) in less than an hour.§

With more than 99% capacity at 15 years with weekly recharge, it is designed to offer a more consistent recharge experience over time.

Designed to adapt
BrainSense™ technology and advanced programming capabilities allow you to personalize therapy to your patients’ evolving needs over time.

The first of
its kind

Percept™ RC is the first complete rechargeable DBS system with sensing, directionality, and advanced programming capabilities.

Device features

  • Form factor: The smallest, thinnest implantable neurological stimulator (INS) commercially available for DBS
  • 15-year service life: No imposed shut-off date. 15-year supplemental warranty coverage
  • Rapid recharge: Charge under normal conditions from 10% to 90% full in less than 60 minutes for implant depths of up to 2.0 cm
  • 3T and 1.5T full-body MRI: Only Medtronic allows patients to have stimulation on in bipolar mode during an MRI under certain conditions.◊,1–3
  • Designed for upgradability: Engineered to allow for future software updates designed for the Percept™ platform without a neurostimulator device exchange
This is an image showing the Percept™ RC neurostimulator from the front and side view.

Ordering information

Neurostimulation system

Item number Description
B35300 Percept™ RC neurostimulator — rechargeable neurostimulator with exclusive BrainSense™ technology

Compatible components and accessories leads

Item number Description
B3300542 SenSight™ directional lead kit - length: 42 cm electrode spacing: 0.5 mm, no marker
B3301542 SenSight™ directional lead kit - length: 42 cm electrode spacing: 1.5 mm, no marker
B3300533 SenSight™ directional lead kit - length: 33 cm electrode spacing: 0.5 mm, no marker
B3301533 SenSight™ directional lead kit - length: 33 cm electrode spacing: 1.5 mm, no marker
B3300542M SenSight™ directional lead kit - length: 42 cm electrode spacing: 0.5 mm, with marker
B3301542M SenSight™ directional lead kit - length: 42 cm electrode spacing: 1.5 mm, with marker
B3300533M SenSight™ directional lead kit - length: 33 cm electrode spacing: 0.5 mm, with marker
B3301533M SenSight™ directional lead kit - length: 33 cm electrode spacing: 1.5 mm, with marker
3387 4-electrode lead, for use with 37086 extensions with in-line connector with lead electrode length of 1.5 mm, lead electrode spacing of 1.5 mm, and 40-cm length
3389 4-electrode lead, for use with 37086 extensions with in-line connector with lead electrode length of 1.5 mm, lead electrode spacing of 1.5 mm, and 40-cm length


Item number Description
B3400040 SenSight™ 40 cm length extension kit
B3400060 SenSight™ 60 cm length extension kit
B3400095 SenSight™ 95 cm length extension kit
B3400040M SenSight™ 40 cm length extension kit with marker
B3400060M SenSight™ 60 cm length extension kit with marker
B3400095M SenSight™ 95 cm length extension kit with marker
37086 Stretch-coil DBS extension
7482 DBS dual prong extension — used with a pocket adaptor
7483 DBS dual prong extension — used with a pocket adaptor

Connector plugs

Item number Description
B31061 SenSight™ connector plug

Pocket adaptors

Item number Description
64001 Pocket adaptor — 1 × 4, connects Percept™ RC device to 7482 and 7483 dual prong extensions 
64002 Pocket adaptor — 2 × 4, connects Percept™ RC device to 7482 and 7483 dual prong extensions 

Clinician programmer

Item number Description
8880T2 Communicator
CT900E Clinician programmer

Patient programmer

Item number Description
TH91DBS Patient programmer includes:
Item number Description
HH90 Patient handset
TM91 Patient communicator

Wireless recharger kit

Item number Description
RS6230 Wireless recharger kit includes:
Item number Description
WR9230 Wireless recharger
CD9000 Charging dock
USB charging cable and AC power adapter
Carrying case


Item number

B31000 SenSight™ burr hole device
B31030 SenSight™ extension tunneler kit
B31040 SenSight™ lead test cable kit
B32000 SenSight™ burr hole device kit
FP6000L Optional patient pectoral drape — size: large, for use with RS6200 or RS6230 recharge system
FP6000M Optional patient pectoral drape — size: medium, for use with RS6200 or RS6230 recharge system
FP6000S Optional patient pectoral drape — size: small, for use with RS6200 or RS6230 recharge system
FP9000L Optional patient waist belt for abdominal implants — size: large, for use with RS6200 or RS6230 recharge system
FP9000M Optional patient waist belt for abdominal implants — size: medium, for use with RS6200 or RS6230 recharge system
FP9000S Optional patient waist belt for abdominal implants — size: small, for use with RS6200 or RS6230 recharge system
FP9000X Optional patient waist belt for abdominal implants — size: extra-large, for use with RS6200 or RS6230 recharge system

† The sensing feature of the Percept™ RC system is intended for use in patients receiving DBS where chronically recorded bioelectric data may provide useful, objective information regarding patient clinical status. The majority of patients with Parkinson’s disease have an identifiable signal. A signal may not be present or measurable in patients treated for essential tremor, dystonia, or epilepsy. Humanitarian device: The effectiveness of these devices for the treatment of dystonia has not been demonstrated.

‡ Percept™ RC as compared to Boston Scientific Vercise Genus™ R16 and P16 (MP92328632-05 REV B), accessed 6/12/24, and Abbott Liberta RC™ IPG (ARTEN600337130 A), accessed 6/12/24 and Abbott Infinity™ 5/7 IPG (ARTEN600150429 B), accessed 6/12/24.

§ For implant depths of up to 2 cm. 

◊ Medtronic DBS systems are MR Conditional. Refer to product labeling for full list of conditions. manuals.medtronic.com/manuals/mri/region.

¶ Percept™ RC neurostimulators sold in the United States are eligible for a 15-year supplemental limited warranty. For additional information, email  rs.rtgwarranty@medtronic.com. See additional warranty information.

1. MRI guidelines for Medtronic deep brain stimulation systems 37601 37602 37603 37612 B35200 B35300 — M929535A_a_092. manuals.medtronic.com/manuals/mri/region.

2. ImageReady™ MRI Guidelines for Boston Scientific Deep Brain Stimulation Systems — 92438760-07. bostonscientific.com/imageready/en-US/dbs-system.html. Accessed 6/12/24.

3. MRI Procedure Information for Abbott Medical™* MR Conditional Deep Brain Stimulation Systems — ARTEN600308948 A. neuromodulation.abbott/us/en/healthcare-professionals/mri-support.html. Accessed 6/12/24.