DBS therapy leads

SenSight™ directional lead

DBS therapy leads

SenSight™ directional lead

The SenSight™ directional DBS lead system combines the benefits of directionality with the power of sensing.


Deep brain stimulation (DBS) directional lead system

The first-of-its-kind SenSight™ directional DBS lead system combines the benefits of directionality with the power of sensing. Built with proprietary materials, components, and processes, the SenSight™ directional lead and SenSight™ extension work seamlessly with the Percept™ PC and Percept™ RC neurostimulator to enhance detection of local field potentials (LFPs), which are 1 million times smaller than DBS stimulation pulses.1


A system designed around you

With your collaboration and insights, we’ve designed every component of our DBS directional lead system — including the lead, the burr hole device, the extension, and everything in between. It’s the only DBS directional lead system with 3T and 1.5T MR Conditional eligibility. 

SenSight™ directional leads

  1. 1-3-3-1 electrode configuration to more precisely direct the stimulation
  2. 1.5 mm and 0.5 mm electrode spacing options to suit various targeting and patient needs
  3. Completely insulated orientation markers to guide directional programming  
SenSight™ directional leads graphic
See the SenSight Directional Lead extension image.

SenSight™ directional lead — proximal end features

  1. Proximal end of lead inserted into extension
  2. Laser-etched markers on the proximal end for identification of left and right leads with bilateral implants
  3. Laser-etched insertion line on the lead body, which provides visual confirmation of complete insertion — providing confidence in the connection

SenSight™ extension

  1. Single set screw connection on a non-active contact to minimize steps and protect therapeutic delivery
  2. Left and right laser-etched markers and radiopaque marker; laser-etched markers on the proximal end (not shown) and distal end for bilateral implants, for identification of left and right extensions; extensions with the laser-etched markers also include radiopaque marker visible under CT, fluoroscopy, X-ray, and O-arm™ imaging system, for distinguishing with bilateral implants

SenSight™ burr hole device

  • 14.7% lower profile§ — for your patient’s comfort
  •  57% improved lead tip stabilization
  •  Clip designed with vertically elongated securing mechanism with ribs to increase the surface area holding force and minimize lead rotation once secured
  • Flexible — designed to be placed in any orientation and conform to the patient’s skull
Sensight™ burr hole device base, support, clip and cover image
SenSight™ burr hole device: base, support, clip, and cover

Ordering information

SenSight™ directional lead kits

Item number Length (cm) Electrode spacing (mm) Bilateral markers
B3300533 33 0.5 — 
B3300533M 33 0.5 2
B3301533 33 1.5 — 
B3301533M 33 1.5 2
B3300542 42 0.5 — 
B3300542M 42 0.5 2
B3301542 42 1.5 — 
B3301542M 42 1.5 2

Note: All lead kits for use only with item number B34000 SenSight™ extension kit

Extensions kits

Item number Description
B3400040 Extension kit — length: 40 cm, connects item number B35200 Percept™ PC/Percept™ RC B35300 and item number 37612 Activa™ RC neurostimulator to item number B33005 and B33015 SenSight™ directional lead kits
B3400060 Extension kit — length: 60 cm, connects item number B35200 Percept™ PC/Percept™ RC B35300 and item number 37612 Activa™ RC neurostimulator to item number B33005 and B33015 SenSight™ directional lead kits
B3400095 Extension kit — length: 95 cm, connects item number B35200 Percept™ PC/Percept™ RC B35300 and item number 37612 Activa™ RC neurostimulator to item number B33005 and B33015 SenSight™ directional lead kits
B3400040M Extension kit — length: 40 cm, with two bilateral markers and one radiopaque marker, connects item number B35200 Percept™ PC/Percept™ RC B35300 and item number 37612 Activa™ RC neurostimulator to item number B33005 and B33015 SenSight™ directional lead kits
B3400060M Extension kit — length: 60 cm, with two bilateral markers and one radiopaque marker, connects item number B35200 Percept™ PC/Percept™ RC B35300 and item number 37612 Activa™ RC neurostimulator to item number B33005 and B33015 SenSight™ directional lead kits
B3400095M Extension kit — length: 95 cm, with two bilateral markers and one radiopaque marker, connects item number B35200 Percept™ PC/Percept™ RC B35300 and item number 37612 Activa™ RC neurostimulator to item number B33005 and B33015 SenSight™ directional lead kits


Item number Description
B31061 Connector plug — used with item number B34000 extension
B32000 Burr hole device kit
B31000 Burr hole device — used with item number B32000
B31010 Depth stop and cranial tunneler kit
B31020 Lead cap kit
B31030 Extension tunneler kit — used with extensions
B31040 Lead test cable kit — used with item number 37022 external neurostimulator
B31050 Extension test cable kit

 Medtronic DBS systems are MR Conditional. Refer to product labeling for full list of conditions. manuals.medtronic.com/manuals/mri/region.

Excluding the distal connector end, the extension body diameter is approximately 26.7% smaller than Medtronic extensions 37085 and 37086.

§ As compared to the Stimloc burr hole device. 

◊ Based on a study in an animal model, the SenSight directional lead system provided, on average, a 57% lead tip stability improvement compared to legacy lead system from Medtronic. Animal data may not be indicative of clinical performance.

When compared to the Model 37085 and 37086 extensions.

  1. Neumann WJ, Staub F, Horn A, et al. Deep brain recordings using an implanted pulse generator in Parkinson’s disease. Neuromodulation. 2016;19(1):20−24.