Introducer sheaths and needles

FlexCath Cross™ transseptal solution

Introducer sheaths and needles

FlexCath Cross™ transseptal solution

The FlexCath Cross™ transseptal solution pairs with commercially available sheaths for both mechanical and radiofrequency (RF) crossing.


The first and only transseptal access system specifically engineered to pair with commercially available sheaths, including the Medtronic FlexCath Contour™ steerable sheath.

The FlexCath Cross™ system enables a zero exchange transseptal workflow, which adds efficiencies and simplifies left atrial access procedures. FlexCath Cross™ is the only transseptal access system on the market cleared for both mechanical and RF crossing.


Zero exchange workflow

The integrated needle/dilator design removes the need for needle, guidewire, transseptal, and therapeutic sheath exchanges. The FlexCath Cross™ system helps reduce procedural time of transseptal access by up to 49.9% on average in comparison to traditional mechanical solutions.1,2

Zero sheath exchanges

Dilators compatible with leading industry sheaths eliminate the need for separate transseptal and therapeutic sheaths.


average reduction in time
for transseptal access1,2

Versatility for your procedures

Choose the FlexCath Cross™ model that fits with your existing sheath preferences for transseptal access. FlexCath Cross™ is compatible with the following industry-leading introducers and with both mechanical and radiofrequency (RF) crossing.

This is a close-up image of the Medtronic FlexCath Contour™ steerable sheath with the FlexCath Cross™ transseptal system.
Close-up of Abbott Agilis™* NxT steerable introducer

Abbott Agilis™* NxT
steerable introducer

Close-up of FlexCath Cross™ with mini sheath

Mini sheath with FlexCath Cross™ transseptal solution

Close-up of BioSense Webster CARTO VIZIGO™* bi-directional guiding sheath

BioSense Webster CARTO VIZIGO™*
bi-directional guiding sheath

Close-up of Boston Scientific Watchman™* TruSeal™* and FXD™* access systems

Boston Scientific Watchman™* TruSeal™* and FXD™* access systems

Close-up of the Merit Medical HeartSpan™* sheath introducer

Merit Medical HeartSpan™*
sheath introducer

Close-up of the Abbott Swartz™* braided SL1 transseptal guiding introducer

Abbott Swartz™* braided transseptal guiding introducer, SL1

Cross with control

The FlexCath Cross™ needle only deploys when activated, designed for ease of control during transseptal puncture.

The FlexCath Cross™ needle only deploys when activated, designed for ease of control during transseptal puncture.
This is an image of the FlexCath Cross™ dilator and needle with numbered callouts to identify specifications.
  1. Guidewire
  2. Conforms to any sheath curve
  3. Integrated needle (advances 4 mm)
  4. Dilator shaft
  5. EGM or RF energy connector
  6. Needle slide button
  7. Luer fitting guidewire lumen

Competitive comparison

Feature FlexCath Cross™ BRK™*3 SafeSept™*4 NRG™5 VersaCross™*6
Integrated guidewire design reduces exchanges x x x
Indicated for use mechanically or with RF x x x  x
Reposition without requiring wire/needle exchange x x x
Engineered to pair with leading sheaths x x x  x

Ordering information

Item number Description Compatible sheath
900300 FlexCath Cross™ — AG 61 cm Agilis™* NxT — 61 cm
900301 FlexCath Cross™ — AG 71 cm Agilis™* NxT — 71 cm
900302 FlexCath Cross™ — SL 63 cm Swartz™* SL1 — 63 cm
900309 FlexCath Cross™ — SL 81 cm Swartz™* SL1 — 81 cm
900303 FlexCath Cross™ — VZ 71 cm CARTO VIZIGO™* — 71 cm
900304 FlexCath Cross™ — FC 65 cm FlexCath Advance™ — 65 cm
900306 FlexCath Cross™ — MH 63 cm Merit Medical HeartSpan™* sheath — 63 cm
900307 FlexCath Cross™ — MH 81 cm Merit Medical HeartSpan™* sheath — 81 cm
900308 FlexCath Cross™ — WT 75 cm Watchman™* TruSeal™* and FXD™* access systems — 75 cm
012852 FlexCath Cross™ with mini sheath — 65 cm 65 cm, 90 degrees, 8.5 Fr ID, 11 Fr OD
900310 FlexCath Cross™ — FCC 65 cm, 10 Fr FlexCath Contour™ — 65 cm, 10 Fr
900311 FlexCath Cross™ — FCC 65 cm, 12 Fr FlexCath Contour™ — 65 cm, 12 Fr

TM* Third-party brands are trademarks of their respective owners.

  1. Rizzi S, Pannone L, Monaco C, et al. First experience with a transseptal puncture using a novel transseptal crossing device with integrated dilator and needle. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2022;65(3):731–737. 
  2. Yong Ji S. Use of the novel AcQCross transseptal system improves procedural efficiency compared to conventional transseptal puncture technique. Presented at AF Symposium; 2022.