Diversity Networks and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) often begin as platforms for inclusion — to create space for employees to connect based on shared identities. But our Diversity Networks and ERGs do even more. They help model inclusion and diversity and, through unique partnerships and volunteer efforts, help amplify our impact in communities.

Hispanic Latino Network colleagues from across the United States gathered in Minneapolis for Efficacy Training, a differentiated development program for Diversity Network and ERG members

Diversity Networks

Diversity Networks give employees from underrepresented populations a voice and pave a path toward advocacy, exposure, development, and change empowerment. To ensure advocacy at the highest levels, each Diversity Network is sponsored by an Executive Committee member and led by senior-level global co-chairs. All Diversity Networks share a focus on three strategic pillars — talent development, education and community engagement, and partnerships — to help cultivate belonging in more impactful and localized ways.

Our Diversity Networks are:

  • African Descent Network
  • Asian Impact at Medtronic Network
  • Hispanic Latino Network
  • Medtronic Women’s Network
  • PRIDE Network

Medtronic has been supporting employees of African descent through our ERGs for more than 30 years. While our Network has grown to 22 hubs across four continents, our purpose hasn’t changed — ADN is here to inspire, retain, and grow African descent talent so we can all reach our full potential.”

— Grady Davis, African Descent Network (ADN) co-chair, VP, Global Marketing, Structural Heart

Grady Davis

Employee Resource Groups

ERGs represent both local hubs of our global Networks and additional shared-identity groups at Medtronic. With more than 35,000 members across 65+ countries, these grassroots, employee-led groups help recruit diverse talent and foster belonging within their particular community. Each group works with allies and partners to advance inclusion, diversity, and equity efforts.

A sampling of ERGs that are empowering change across the company include:

  • ABLED (Awareness Benefiting Leadership & Employees About Disabilities)
  • American Indian Employee Resource Group
  • Christian Employee Resource Group
  • Medtronic Jewish Community
  • Medtronic Seasoned Professionals
  • Medtronic Young Professionals
  • Muslims and Friends
  • Veterans Employee Resource Group

A panel discussion on diversity and representation in the media at an Asian Impact at Medtronic Network Signature Event in Los Angeles, California

Attendees at a Medtronic Women’s Network Signature Event

Accepting more, embracing more, collaborating more

Diversity Networks and ERGs continue to expand. By sharing best practices with each other and an intentional focus on intersectionality and allyship, our Networks and ERGs collaborate to advance a common goal of equity.

The PRIDE Network works tirelessly to create an environment where we celebrate one another for who we are. That’s why the Network’s 8,000+ employees are comprised of both allies and members of the LGBTQ+ community. PRIDE’s successes benefit everyone, everywhere, every day.”

— Dan Volz, PRIDE Network Co-Chair, SVP and President, Neurovascular

Dan Volz

Building belonging and expanding impact

Our global Diversity Networks and ERGs — which are open to all employees — have always served as a touchstone along our ID&E journey and offer a place where employees can feel they truly belong. Here are some ways they are making an impact at Medtronic and in our global communities.

  • Awareness Benefitting Leaders and Employees About Disabilities (ABLED) ERG: ABLED won a Medtronic Global Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Award for educating employees and managers to help break down the fear of being different from others, fostering belonging by recognizing the value diverse perspectives and cultures bring to an organization, and ensuring that disability is not left out of the conversation.

  • Hispanic Latino Network (HLN): HLN leaders placed a central focus on advancing employee belonging through education. As one of many examples, HLN strengthened its Latinas in Leadership program by providing mentoring, opening pathways to career development, and facilitating Lean In Circles in Spanish.

  • Medtronic Women’s Network (MWN): MWN was instrumental in advocating for expanded health benefits, including our enhanced global family care leave policy. MWN also has an ally group called Men Advocating Equity, where men listen and learn about women’s issues, support women based on what they say they need from allies, and help mitigate behaviors and practices that put women at a disadvantage in the workplace.

  • Veterans ERG (VERG): Our VERG chapter in Puerto Rico hosted a dedication ceremony for an on-campus Veterans Monument. The event drew employees from all local Medtronic offices, city and agency officials, as well as the local color guard. With a live television broadcast, the event raised the visibility of veterans and Medtronic as a prime destination for military talent.

Intentional intersectionality 

Race, ethnicity, and gender are inextricably linked. Each of us can identify with multiple groups at once. We celebrate these intersections and make sure our employees don’t feel the pressure to “choose” one of their identities over another.

The Medtronic Women’s Network (MWN) actively recruits leaders from other Networks to make sure the MWN leadership team represents all women.

The PRIDE Network collaborated with Out & Equal, an organization working on LGBTQ workplace equality, to offer webinars on intersectional allyship, and local PRIDE hubs codevelop educational programming with other local ERGs to emphasize intersectional identities within the LGBTQ+ community and among allies.

The first ADN LIFT cohort gathered in 2017. The program was so successful that other Diversity Networks have developed similar programs

Promoting diverse leadership

Joining Diversity Networks and ERGs is an opportunity to network with peers, managers, and other divisions of the company. From VPs to new hires, manufacturing to HR, members are given a unique (and influential) audience to build and execute cross-functional teams and projects.

For example, our LIFT program, initially conceived and piloted by the African Descent Network (ADN) and now expanded to members of other Diversity Networks and ERGs, selects high-potential managers for a comprehensive sponsorship program, creating a sought-after pipeline of talent.

The first ADN LIFT cohort gathered in 2017. The program was so successful that Medtronic expanded the program for other Diversity Networks and ERGs.

Through coaching, classes, and a capstone business-case project, the nine-month program builds emerging mid-career talent into strong business leaders.

Among participants in our sponsorship, mentorship, and leadership development programs, 50% are women and 53% are ethnically diverse. And we’re proud of the impact these programs are having, with 51% of participants being promoted over the past three years and 83% of participants retained at Medtronic over the past three years.

An unwavering commitment to greater change

When leaders and employees bring their authentic selves to work, and we learn from each other’s different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, we help accelerate the delivery of our Mission, both locally and globally. Diversity Networks and ERGs supercharge that effort.

No matter a person’s background, each group is empowering change and presenting opportunities to learn, reflect, and act. In this culture of belonging, employees come together as mentors, advocates, and allies to drive our company and our communities toward a more equitable future. Working as one, we are stronger together.

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