Left-heart leads

Attain Stability™ Quad MRI SureScan™ lead

Attain Stability™ Quad MRI SureScan™ lead shown horizontallyAttain Stability™ Quad MRI SureScan™ lead shown horizontally

Left-heart leads

Attain Stability™ Quad MRI SureScan™ lead

The Attain Stability™ Quad MRI SureScan™ active fixation LV lead is designed with active fixation and quadripolar lead technology.


Precise placement and secure fixation

The Attain Stability™ Quad allows for more flexibility in pacing location and reduces the risk of lead dislodgement.1


Active fixation and quadripolar technology

  1. Advanced quadripolar lead technology:

    • Reduces phrenic nerve stimulation with short bipolar spacing2–4
    • Improves thresholds and longevity with steroid on all electrodes5
    • Enables multiple point pacing (MPP)
    • Approved for 1.5T and 3T full body MRI scanning
  2. Unique side helix mechanism for active fixation:

    • Enables precise and secure lead placement
    • Eliminates the need to wedge and promotes non-apical pacing
    • Integrates a mechanical stop and adhesive backfill for prevention of over-rotation and vein tissue pinching
Attain Stability™ Quad has quadripolar electrode spacing and a unique side helix.

Reduced risk for lead dislodgment

  • 81% reduction in LV lead dislodgement during catheter slitting†,1,6
  • 65% reduction in LV lead dislodgement at six months post-implant‡,1,6
  • May reduce the need for repeat procedures due to LV lead dislodgements1
  • May enable earlier patient discharge due to a reduced risk for lead dislodgement7

Dislodgement during slitting†,1,6

P = 0.0147

This graph shows the dislodgement rates of Attain Stability™ Quad versus Attain Performa™ during slitting.

Dislodgement (6 months)‡,1,6

P = ns

This graph shows the dislodgement rates of Attain Stability™ Quad versus Attain Performa™.

Designed with extraction in mind

Helix straightens and elongates below expected extraction forces, enabling removal from the vein — similar to passive fixation leads.8

Learn more about Attain Stability™ Quad's unique side helix pre-extraction position.

Attain Stability™ Quad side helix pre-extraction

Learn more about Attain Stability™ Quad's unique side helix post-extraction position.

Attain Stability™ Quad side helix post-extraction


  • Vessel cross-sectional analysis indicates a 1 mm average distance between a vein and the nearest artery.9  This distance was taken into account when designing the side helix.
  • The helix is positioned 0.25 mm away from the lead body, creating a 4x safety margin between the vein and artery.
  • No LV lead perforations reported within six months of follow-up.1
Learn how the unique side helix of Attain Stability™ Quad is positioned 0.25 mm away from the lead body.

 Based on a retrospective study comparing dislodgements to Attain Performa lead.

Ad-hoc analysis conducted comparing post-implant dislodgement rates between Attain Performa (Model 4298) and Attain Stability Quad (Model 4798) leads (p = 0.098, two-sided Fisher’s exact test). Data were collected in a similar fashion in both studies.

  1. Jackson KP, Faerestrand S, Philippon F, et al. Performance of a novel active fixation quadripolar left ventricular lead for cardiac resynchronization therapy: Attain Stability Quad Clinical Study results. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2020;31(5):1147–1154.

  1. Biffi M. Utilizing short spacing between quadripolar LV lead electrodes to avoid PNS. Presented at CardioStim 2014 (Poster Presentation Session 56P).
  2. Biffi M, Foerster L, Eastman W, et al. Effect of bipolar electrode spacing on phrenic nerve stimulation and left ventricular pacing thresholds: an acute canine study. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2012;5(4):815–820.
  3. Biffi M, Zanon F, Bertaglia E, et al. Short-spaced dipole for managing phrenic nerve stimulation in patients with CRT: the "phrenic nerve mapping and stimulation EP" catheter study. Heart Rhythm. 2013;10(1):39–45.
  4. Lunati MG. Long-term effect of steroid elution on the electrical performance of coronary sinus leads for cardiac resynchronization therapy. Presented at HRS 2012 (AB10-05).
  5. Crossley GH, Biffi M, Johnson B, et al. Performance of a novel left ventricular lead with short bipolar spacing for cardiac resynchronization therapy: primary results of the Attain™ Performa™ quadripolar left ventricular lead study. Heart Rhythm. 2015;12(4):751–758.
  6. Benjamin L. Attain Stability™ Quad post market product performance data — AdHoc analysis for marketing materials, version B. Medtronic data on file. February 2021.
  7. Adler S, Kirchhof N, Thompson AE, Foerster L, Marquard KR, Hine DS. Two-year extractability of novel left ventricular, active fixation leads in the sheep model. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2017;40(11):1291–1297.
  8. Anderson SE, Hill AJ, Iaizzo PA. Microanatomy of human left ventricular coronary veins. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2009;292(1):23–28.