Left-heart leads

Attain™ Performa™ MRI SureScan™ lead

Left-heart leads

Attain™ Performa™ MRI SureScan™ lead

The Attain™ Performa™ MRI SureScan™ lead is part of our cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device system.


Our Attain™ Performa™ MRI SureScan™ lead is part of our cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device system, which allows you to personalize CRT. It offers:

  • Three lead shapes for varying patient anatomies
  • Steroid on all electrodes to improve thresholds and longevity1
  • Short bipolar spacing to reduce phrenic nerve stimulation occurrence2,3

Product details

Quadripolar LV lead with wide electrode spacing

  • Larger electrical field — phrenic nerve stimulated
See how the Attain™ Performa™ lead performs compared to the Advanced Quadripolor lead.

Attain™ Performa™ with short bipolar spacing

  • Smaller electrical field — phrenic nerve not stimulated
See how the Attain™ Performa™ lead performs compared to the Advanced Quadripolor lead.

VectorExpress™ LV automated test

Provides clinically actionable data for all 16 vectors — in 2 minutes to4:

  • Select a pacing location
  • Maximize longevity
  • Optimize CRT response

The 2.0 version of our VectorExpress™ LV automated test optimizes CRT response with LV electrical delay:

  • RV sense to LV sense
  • RV pace to LV sense
This is an image of VectorExpress™ LV automated test screen showing clinically actionable data for all 16 vectors.

Multiple point pacing (MPP)

  • Pacing from two LV electrodes provides another option for non-responders
  • Fully compatible with AdaptivCRT™, EffectivCRT™ diagnostic, and EffectivCRT™ during atrial fibrillation (AF)
  • Five new vectors added to allow for multiple point pacing
  • VectorExpress™ 2.0 displays longevity information for MPP vectors as well as single-site vectors
This is an image showing how the VectorExpress™ 2.0 automated test displays longevity information for MPP vectors as well as single-site vectors.

Ordering information

Item number Name Device Available lengths
4598 Attain™ Performa™ S (MRI) 78, 88 cm
4398 Attain™ Performa™ straight (MRI) 78, 88 cm
4298 Attain™ Performa™ (MRI) 78, 88 cm

  1. Lunati MG, Gasparini M, Landolina M, et al. Long-term effect of steroid elution on the electrical performance of coronary sinus leads for cardiac resynchronization therapy. Presented at HRS 2012 (AB10-05).
  2. Biffi, M. Utilizing short spacing between quadripolar LV lead electrodes to avoid PNS. Cardiostim 2014, Poster presentation. Session 56P.
  3. Biffi M, Foerster L, Eastman W, et al. Effect of bipolar electrode spacing on phrenic nerve stimulation and left ventricular pacing thresholds: an acute canine study. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2012;5(4):815–20.

  1. Demmer W. VectorExpress performance results. Medtronic data on file. January 2013.