Physical Therapist Scott Rusin
Sacroiliac (SI) joint disease can cause pain in your legs, buttocks, groin, or lower back. If you aren’t ready for surgical treatment, physical therapy using low impact exercises may help stabilize and strengthen the muscles surrounding the SI joint.
Below Scott Rusin, licensed physical therapist in Pensacola, FL, shares exercises that can help strengthen the SI joint.
Equipment needed: Exercise resistance band
- Place the band around the middle of your calf muscles. Walk to the side while keeping your feet spread apart and toes pointed forward.
- As you move, keep your knees slightly bent the entire time and do not step outside the width of your shoulders. Do not drag the feet.
- Travel 20 feet in one direction and then return to the starting point facing the same direction.
- Down and back equals one set. Aim for three sets.

Equipment needed: None
- Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat.
- Squeeze glute muscles and lift your hips off the floor. DO NOT hyperextend.
- Lower your hips back down to the starting position before lifting back up.
- Repeat this movement 50 times.

Equipment needed: Exercise resistance band
- Place an exercise band around the middle of your calf, hold onto a chair with one hand, and lift one leg out to the side while keeping your toes pointed directly forward.
- Return your leg to the floor and starting position.
- Repeat this movement for 10 repetitions on one leg then repeat the exercise and repetitions on the opposite leg.
Note: If you lean while raising your leg to the side you are raising your leg too high.
Advanced: 2 sets of 20 rep on each leg.