Office-based labs
Grow and transform your outpatient practice.
Drive cost-efficiencies, streamline operations, and better compete in a market that is evolving at a rapid pace.
An extensive portfolio is only one part of the picture for office-based labs (OBLs) and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). Explore our business services and solutions available to you when you partner with us
The Medtronic Advantage Program makes our peripheral vascular products more affordable. MAP maximizes your cost savings and streamlines invoicing, with customized options designed to fit the way you work.
Find out how the Medtronic Advantage Program (MAP) can help you build out an independent office-based lab. (01:43)
Pricing based on predetermined product groups to support flexible caseloads
One fee on all products based on anticipated utilization within predetermined guardrails
Special pricing for products ordered in individualized combinations
Get more from capital purchases.
Procedural growth and demand in an OBL or ASC puts pressure on you to move quickly and decisively when purchasing capital equipment. Our Customer Choice rebate program can help you offset capital expenses — and give you more choice in care delivery.
It’s simple: You choose the products and associated equipment, and we work with you to develop a custom rebate program in which you may use rebates earned on Medtronic products to help offset the costs of the capital.
Your choice of capital equipment. Your choice of products. Cost savings — your way.
Simplify, automate, and standardize
Increase efficiencies and reduce costs through the two e-business channels that Medtronic offers to customers:
Talk to your Medtronic representative about our digital services or send a message below and a representative will connect with you to find a solution for your practice.
Navigate reimbursement changes for OBLs and ASCs. Our resources include coding presentations, educational guides, and informal case reviews. Let our team help you understand what is changing and find ways to work through those changes successfully.
Collaborate with us to reach patients and educate on the importance of identifying peripheral arterial and venous disease early. Our patient programs and materials help increase awareness and improve patient access to appropriate therapies.
Stay up to date with emerging products and techniques with a curriculum designed for the busy life of a clinician. With classes in both online and in practical settings, we will help you and your staff deepen your expertise and remain adaptable.