Office-based labs

Reimbursement support

Understand the reimbursement dynamic

Support for office-based labs (OBLs) may include coding presentations, coding education, and informal case review.

Five doctors having a discussion meeting at a table

Reimbursement is constantly changing and directly impacts your business. Our reimbursement team can help you understand what is changing and find ways to navigate those changes successfully.


Coding sheets and guides

Find useful coding resources and guides to reimbursement codes.

Coding sheet

Peripheral vascular coding sheet

Coding guides

Reimbursement update

An interactive PDF detailing the most recent updates to reimbursement for OBL products.



  • Educational programs to discuss coverage, coding, and payment for Medtronic products and therapies
  • Review specific coding guidelines
  • Relevant updates on payment and policy changes

Coverage, coding, and payment

  • Reimbursement guides and coding sheets to assist with coverage, coding, and payment for Medtronic products and therapies
  • Therapy worksheets
  • Coverage policy information
  • Direct telephone and email contact with reimbursement specialists to address specific questions

Send us an email using the contact form to connect on these resources.

Find reimbursement support

If you have reimbursement-related questions, please reach out to the Health Economics Policy and Payment team at 877-347-9662 or by email.

Doctor sitting at his desk while on his computer and phone with a cellphone icon in the upper left corner