This website contains information related to a Medtronic Spinal and Biologics Grafton™ DBM product recall.

If you have any questions regarding this recall, please follow the contact instructions in the recall notification letter you received.

Urgent: Medical Device Recall

Grafton™ DBM – Sterile Barrier Seal Issue

Affected Products:

Grafton™ Putty

Grafton™ Matrix

Grafton™ DBF Inject

Grafton™ Crunch

Grafton™ Matrix Strips

Accelerate™ Grafton™ DBF

Grafton™ Flex

Grafton™ Plus Paste

Grafton™ Gel

Grafton™ Orthoblend

Grafton™ DBF

XPANSE™ Bone Insert

February 2023

The purpose of this website is to support the Grafton™ DBM Sterile Barrier Seal Issue Recall.
This website allows users to enter Lot or Serial numbers and obtain confirmation regarding whether the product is affected by the recall.

Instructions: En Español

Instructions for Canadian Customers only, please see this document

Check Lot/Serial Number

For the affected product families, any products with a labeled manufacture date after 30 Nov 2022 are not impacted. Product(s) manufactured prior to that date can be evaluated.

Locate the Lot/Serial Number on your product label. Enter that information in the form field below and select “SEARCH”. A result pop-up window will show if any Lot/Serial Numbers entered are impacted.

No matches found. The Lot/Serial Number entered is not within the scope of this product recall.

Please confirm the accuracy of the Lot/Serial Number entry.

The following lot numbers are part of the recall:

Enter the complete Lot/Serial Number as shown on the label, including any dashes.
Example: A45509-026

You may enter multiple lot/serial numbers separated by commas.

recall graphic