Implantable cardioverter defibrillator systems

Aurora EV-ICD system
PR toolkit

Download templates, visual assets, and more for the Aurora EV-ICD system.

Aurora EV-ICD™ with green and blue conceputal circles surrounding it

Welcome healthcare public relations professionals to the online resource kit for the Medtronic Aurora EV-ICD (extravascular implantable cardioverter defibrillator) system. Materials on this page have been provided as a courtesy by the Medtronic public relations team for your use in developing materials for media or supporting their requests for information.

Please note: Medtronic is required by regulatory authorities to provide complete, balanced information about the benefits and risks of our products, which is included in the documents provided on this website. We request that you include this information as well when communicating with your audiences about Medtronic products.

This website is provided for use by public relations professionals at hospitals. It is not for media use.

Templates and fact sheets

doc Hospital news release template (.doc)

Use this customizable news release template to publicize your hospital offering the Aurora EV-ICD system in your local market.


doc Suggested social media content (.doc)

This document contains sample copy to consider for promoting your hospital’s use of the Aurora EV-ICD system via social media channels.


docx Sudden cardiac arrest fact sheet (.docx)

This fact sheet includes facts and figures about sudden cardiac arrest, as well as treatment options, including traditional, transvenous ICDs, and the Aurora EV-ICD system.


docx Aurora EV-ICD fact sheet (.docx)

This fact sheet describes the Aurora EV-ICD system.


docx EV ICD Pivotal Study fact sheet (.docx)

This fact sheet summarizes the primary results from the global EV ICD pivotal study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine.


Images and animation

Please credit any images used as Courtesy of Medtronic.

Contact us.

Tracy McNulty