Life is golden with Evolut™ TAVR.

Evolut patient testimonials

Learn how patients who sought treatment for aortic stenosis (AS) are now taking advantage of their newfound golden opportunities.

Silence is not golden. Life is.

Heart valve disease affects millions. Yet awareness is low, and many patients may mistake their symptoms for normal signs of aging — so they don't speak up.

It's time to break the silence. To raise awareness for aortic stenosis and empower people to advocate for their health, patients around the country are sharing their stories. Because silence is not golden — life is.

We asked patients: What's been your golden opportunity since being treated with Evolut TAVR?

Portrait of TAVR patient Julia


Treated by Dr. Jorge A. Alvarez
Methodist Cardiology Clinic — San Antonio, TX

Portrait of TAVR patient John

Golfing with friends

Treated by Dr. Andrew Ferguson
Indiana University Health Bloomington Hospital

Portrait of TAVR patient Joseph

Doing the
cha-cha again!

Treated by Dr. Frank Shannon and Dr. Ivan Hanson
Beaumont Hospital — Royal Oak, MI

Portrait of TAVR patient Darian

Cooking and caring
for my large family

Treated by Dr. Mustafa Ahmed
Health Equities Working Group Leader
UAB Medicine — Birmingham, AL

Portrait of TAVR patient Gary

Golfing with my 30 grandkids
and great-grandkids

Treated by Dr. Glenn P. Schoettle, Jr.
Saint Francis Hospital — Memphis

Portrait of TAVR patient Lewis

Racing a motorcycle
in the BAJA500

Treated by Dr. Glenn P. Schoettle, Jr.
Saint Francis Hospital — Memphis

Portrait of TAVR patient Luningning

Going to a waterpark
with my granddaughters

Treated by Dr. Mathew Williams
NYU Langone Health

Portrait of TAVR David Brenda

Walking on the beach
with my wife

Treated by Dr. Prakash Mansukhani
Kaiser Los Angeles Hospital

Portrait of TAVR patient Elaine

Spending time with
my grandchildren

Treated by Dr. Stan Chetcuti
University of Michigan

What will be your golden opportunity?

Aortic stenosis can be treated. Take action now and learn about diagnosis, treatment, and returning to active life. Visit

Collage of TAVR patients Darian and Gary with a yellow decorative background

These testimonials recount individual patient experiences and may not be representative of all patient outcomes. The treatment information presented is the opinion and procedural technique of individual physicians who cared for the featured patients. It is not intended to constitute medical advice. Physician experience, risks, patient outcomes, and results may vary.