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Intrasaccular embolization refers to endovascular treatments of aneurysms within the aneurysm sac, generally with embolic coils, which is widely considered the “gold” standard for aneurysm treatment.1
Coil embolization, currently the most common endovascular aneurysm treatment, is the insertion of platinum coils into the sac of the aneurysm. The body responds by forming clots around the coil, limiting blood flow within the aneurysm and reducing the risk of rupture or re-rupture.
Balloon-Assisted Coiling - (01:46)
View an animation of coil embolization with a HyperGlide occlusion balloon.
Mer information (se mer)
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We offer a variety of bare platinum and fibered embolic coils and balloon systems for aneurysm embolization. See the Neurovascular product catalog for ordering information.
Guglielmi, G. History of the genesis of detachable coils. J Neurosurg. Volume 111. July 2009.
Pierot, L. et al. Safety and Efficacy of Balloon Remodeling Technique during Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms: Critical Review of the Literature. AJNR 33. January 2012.