Healthcare Professionals
Detachable Coils
Neurovascular Embolization
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Healthcare Professionals
Neurovascular Embolization
The Axium™ detachable coils family, including Axium Prime and Axium MicroFX™ coils, offers a variety of options for coiling by optimizing coil delivery, deployment, and detachment. Paired with our unique I.D. Instant Detacher, the Axium detachable coil system provides a quick, easy, and reliable embolization solution.1
Axium detachable coils and Axium Prime detachable coils are intended for the endovascular embolization of intracranial aneurysms. Axium detachable coils and Axium Prime detachable coils are also intended for the embolization of other neurovascular abnormalities such as arteriovenous malformations and arteriovenous fistulae.
Axium™ Prime (Frame) detachable coils are also indicated for arterial and venous embolizations in the peripheral vasculature.
The Axium Prime (Extra Soft) coil is the softest Axium coil5,6 and one of the softest coils on the market.6
Axium Prime (Super Soft) coils are four times softer than Axium Bare coils to effectively fill space.5
Axium Prime (Frame) coils are stable and conformable with consistent neck coverage.9
The Axium Bare coil combines softness with stability7 by balancing the size of the primary wire and the outer diameter.4
Axium MicroFX coils with LatticeFX™ technology have overlapped individual nylon or PGLA microfilaments between coil loops, forming an intra-aneurysmal surface area for stable scar tissue formation.8 Axium MicroFX coils provide the acute performance of an Axium Bare coil with the added benefit of LatticeFX technology.
See the Neurovascular Product Catalog for information about this ancillary device.
Axium Detachable Coil Instructions for Use
This technical manual includes indications, warnings, precautions, instructions, and MRI information. Find in the product labeling supplied with each device.
™* Third party brands are trademarks of their respective owners.
J.B. White, C.G.M. Ken, H.J. Cloft and D/F/ Kallmes. “Coils in a NutShell: A Review of Coil Physical Properties.” 2008
TRNV-10218. Axium: n=4, Axium Prime: n=3
Based on a study (data reference TR-NV12253) comparing three Axium Prime coils (extra soft), Target™* Ultra coils and HyperSoft™* coils in terms of the lowest average exerted force within the interior of an aneurysm model during deployment. Of the coils tested in this study, the Axium Prime coils (extra soft) exhibited the lowest average exerted force (i.e. greater pliability). A subsequent study (data reference TR-NV12442) compared Axium Prime coils (extra soft) to Target™* Nano 360 coils.
Effect of fiber diameter and orientation on fibroblast morphology and proliferation on electrospin poly (D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) meshes. Biomaterials, 2006;27(33):5681-5688. Bashur,