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Integrated Health SolutionsSM provided cost savings, capital investment, and increased on-time starts.
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is a major teaching hospital recognised as a centre of excellence in cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery, treating more than 20,000 patients with a variety of heart conditions annually. Dealing with growing demand driven by changing demographics, the hospital faced the stark reality that it needed to accomplish more with the same resources to minimise a funding gap. Short-term cuts were not going to address this challenge.
To address Imperial College’s needs, Integrated Health SolutionsSM created a tailored solution to bring them the latest in cardiac technologies and to optimise non-clinical operations, aimed at closing the gap between cost and patient access. Our seven-year partnership with the Imperial team started in November 2013 and included a cardiology transformation program identifying £1.5 million of efficiency savings.
The solution has:
Cost savings, optimised use of resources, and empowered staff.
Capital investment, increased activity, and waste reduction.
Capital investment, fully-managed cardiology unit, and improved cost efficiency.
Assessing potential, identifying barriers, and improving patient recruitment.
Branding and communications for the first Swiss outpatient cardiology clinic.
Contact us at integratedhealthsolutions@medtronic.com.