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For over 65 years, Medtronic has been the market leader in innovative medical technology. Acutely aware of the need to balance access and cost of treatment with high quality of care, Medtronic created Integrated Health SolutionsSM.
We are a new business unit to support our customers beyond devices. Integrated Health Solutions builds on Medtronic‘s unique combination of capital resources, process optimisation expertise and therapy knowledge.
Working together, we help you move toward value-based healthcare by designing tailored solutions that optimise your outcomes — enabling you to improve quality of care, enhance operational performance and boost financial returns.
We offer a broad array of solutions across the care continuum, focusing on clinical departments where we have a strong heritage. We aim to be the leading company to support hospitals, physicians, payers and health systems to deliver high-quality care in a cost-effective way.
Our business model is therefore based on taking an active role with long-term partnerships that hinge on risk and value sharing schemes as well as predictable ‘fee-per-procedure’ models. In short, we have a larger stake in your success than ever before.
Download Our Integrated Health Solutions Brochure (PDF)(opens new window)
View Our Solutions for Excellence in Operating Rooms (VIDEO)(opens new window)
Contact us at integratedhealthsolutions@medtronic.com for more information or to find out how we can support your healthcare organisation.
Our powerfully simple solutions are built on four pillars: Turnkey Set-up, Manage, Optimise and Develop.
Our reputation is built on a solid track record of results in delivering efficiency gains and cost optimisation.
Hear about our solutions from healthcare professionals who have directly experienced the results of our partnership.