Aortic endovascular repair
EndoSuture aneurysm repair (ESAR)
ESAR provides augmented radial fixation and sealing between the stent graft and native artery.
Today, EVAR is an effective and efficient treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). However, there are certain EVAR patients who are at greater risk for neck dilatation and/or loss of proximal seal, leading to worse outcomes.
ESAR mimics a sutured anastomosis to provide durability through reinforcement of the proximal seal in EVAR.1–3
4.5 times increased risk of Type la endoleak (P = 0.01)
10 times increased risk of aneurysm-related mortality (P = 0.01)
(n = 1,559 follow-up at one year)4
6.7 times more likely to have Type la endoleak (P = 0.001)
10 times more likely to have sac expansion (P = 0.009)
5.1 times more likely to rupture (P = 0.01)
(n = 6,602 follow-up ranged from 2.7 years [mean] to 3.9 years)5
AAA is a progressive dilating disease even after EVAR or open surgical repair.6
22% of EVAR patients were lost to imaging follow-up at one year.7 Independent risk factors for not following up:
Urgent or emergent cases7
Multiple comorbidities7
Older patients7
Travel time to hospital8
98.5% three-year freedom from (FF) type la endoleak (one patient presented with a type la at their 30-day follow-up, self-resolved)
100% three-year FF secondary procedures to treat Type la
100% three-year FF migration
100% three-year FF rupture
93.4% (28/30)‡ sacs regressing/stable at three years
66.7% (20/30)‡ sac regression at three years
Learn from the experts about the clinical utility of ESAR as a solution for wide neck patients.
Neck dilatation challenges and EndoAnchor™ design features: Learn how ESAR with the Heli-FX™ EndoAnchor™ system reinforces the proximal seal and protects against neck dilatation to minimize both transient and persistent Type Ia endoleaks.
Learn about the benefits of ESAR and the key elements of deployment.
Reinforce the proximal seal.1,3
Protect against neck dilatation.10
Minimize Type la endoleaks.2, 9
Promote greater sac regression.11,12
† Wide neck definition varied from ≥25 mm to ≥31 mm.
‡ Denominator is the number of subjects with maximum aneurysm diameter reported at both the 1-month post implantation measurement and three-year follow-up time points.