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Reflux testing systems
Reflux testing systems
The Bravo™ calibration-free reflux testing system is a capsule-based testing system used to determine if acid reflux is causing the patient's symptoms.
The Bravo™ calibration-free reflux testing system provides information to help establish the GERD diagnosis.1
There are many recent advances in the diagnosis and management of GERD. Prolonged wireless pH monitoring has value on clinical reflux monitoring to enable the assessment of predominant exposure patterns and aid in the diagnosis of GERD.1
The most cost-effective diagnostic approach to managing patients with typical GERD symptoms of heartburn that lack alarm symptoms and fail an empiric PPI is to offer endoscopy with ambulatory reflux monitoring followed by a trial of PPI discontinuation for patients without erosive findings.6
See the current GERD diagnosis and management guidelines from the American College of Gastroenterology and the American Gastroenterology Association.
Advance your understanding of GERD and esophageal motility disorders including diagnostic workup and subsequent treatment considerations.
Get a high-level overview of esophageal reflux testing modalities.
Contact a representative to download the latest reflux reader software.