Women+ Health

Our vision for Gynaecology

At Medtronic we are committed to improve the status quo for women+ health. We believe needing quicker and better diagnostics, improved procedures and thus more collaboration with our partners. We believe that less pain, less discomfort, less disruption for patients is possible.

This is why we at Medtronic are striving for more – striving for change because women+ health* deserves better.

Our technologies and services

As an addition to our technologies, we offer services with the aim to improve patient satisfaction and help hospitals to implement Outpatient procedures.

Office Hysteroscopy

For Office Hysteroscopy we offer Virtual Reality to reduce patient discomfort and anxiety before, during and after the procedure.

Watch the video with Dr. Miriam Hanstede from the Netherlands and learn how Virtual Reality can benefit the patient and why she uses TruClear for her Office hysteroscopies.

Daycase Hysterectomy

We support hospitals to implement Daycase surgery by increasing efficiency and setting up a protocol.

Watch the video with Dr. Gourab Misra from the UK and learn about the key factors to implement a Daycase Hysterectomy service.

Our training and education

Surgical Procedures

Interested in learning new surgical techniques?

Our YouTube Gynaecology Channel includes multiple webinars and procedure videos on different topics.

Training pathways

We offer a wide range of long-form training pathways in digital, onsite or hybrid format:

  • Deep Endometriosis (6 months)
  • Vaginoscopy (3 months)
  • Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (3 months)

Our patient information

Women Like Me

Take a moment to look after yourself

Are you among the 62% of women who say they don't have time to find out about being healthy?1 Up to 90% of household healthcare decisions are made or influenced by women, who usually shoulder responsibility for the whole family.2

In a busy life that may involve juggling multiple roles, looking after your own health can often go to the bottom of the list.


* Women+ health is a term that includes also all cisgender, transgender and non-binary.

1. The Health Care Industry Needs to Start Taking Women Seriously. (2015, May 28). Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2015/05/the-health-care-industry-needs-to-start-taking-women-seriously

2. Engaging Women in Healthcare Marketing. (2016, June 2). Medical Web Experts. https://www.medicalwebexperts.com/blog/engaging-women-in-healthcare-marketing/