The only cordless ultrasonic dissection device on the market is now able to seal and dissect vessels up to and including 7mm.

V-Loc™ Wound Closure Device

Deliver superior patient outcomes*, 1-15

The V-Loc™ wound closure device is a revolutionary technology. Its uni-directional barbs close wounds securely without the need to tie knots.

Managing the risks

Obesity and Anaesthesia 

The altered anatomy and physiology associated with obesity present specific challenges to anaesthesia.16,17 In this article we consider risks associated with obesity and anaesthesia and how to manage them.

Puritan Bennett™ 980 Ventilator Training

Follow this series of educational training videos and resources to learn about the safe and effective use of the Puritan Bennett™ 980 (PB980) ventilator in a structured curriculum.

  • *As compared to conventional sutures.
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