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Medtronic offers a comprehensive surgical ablation portfolio powered by superior energy sources:1-6
Medtronic’s devices put surgeons in control of every procedure with malleability that conforms to any anatomy.
Erdogan A, Grumbrecht S, Neumann T, Neuzner J, Pitschner H. Microwave, irrigated, pulsed, or conventional radio frequency energy source: which energy source for which catheter ablation? PACE. 2003;26:(Pt. II):504-506.
Demazumder D, Mirotznik M, Schwartzman D. Biophysics of radiofrequency ablation using an irrigated electrode. J Interv Card Electr. 2001;(5):377-389.
Cardioblate® 68000 Surgical Ablation System Technical Manual. A12265001 Rev. D. ©Medtronic, Inc. 2006.
AtriCure Ablation and Sensing Unit (ASU) User’s Manual. Model ASU2-115, Model ASU3-230. P000010 Rev. G. p. 23.
Medtronic in vitro test data on file. Bench test comparison between Cardioblate® CryoFlex™ probe to AtriCure Cryo 1™ probe on porcine tissue. Both devices performed simultaneous freeze upon tissue, while recording temperatures on the surface opposite of probes.
Gage AA, Baust J. Mechanisms of tissue injury in cryosurgery. Cryobiology. 1998;37(3):171-186.
Create quick cardiac lesions that achieve reliable, reproducible conduction block with the Cardioblate® Irrigated RF Surgical Ablation System.1 The Cardioblate iRF portfolio puts surgeons in control with devices designed for use in sternotomy and minimally invasive cardiac surgery procedures, as well as arrested or beating heart procedures. Bipolar iRF devices offer the added benefits of real-time adaptive energy delivery and automated confirmation of transmurality.
The Broadest Portfolio for Concomitant Cardiac Tissue Ablation
The Cardioblate® Irrigated RF Surgical Ablation System is an important component of Medtronic’s unique cardiac surgery device portfolio that includes Heart Valves for Repair and Replacement and CABG Surgical Revascularization technologies designed to address a broad range of structural heart conditions.
For patients indicated for surgical ablation during valve repair/replacement or CABG surgery, select the Cardioblate Irrigated RF Surgical Ablation System.
The Most Versatile MICS Portfolio for Cardiac Tissue Ablation
The Cardioblate® Gemini Irrigated RF Surgical Ablation System offers unrivaled choice for your minimally invasive ablation cases. With the option of lateral or vertical access, positioning the electrodes to ablate cardiac tissue has never been easier. Cardioblate offers the most comprehensive portfolio of ablation products designed for use in minimally invasive procedures.
Premarket Notification (510(k)), K080509, FDA cleared, May 5, 2008.
The Cardioblate® CryoFlex™ Surgical Ablation System provides the capability of creating deep, extensive lesions to treat cardiac arrhythmias through sternotomy and minimally invasive approaches. Compared with radiofrequency, cryoablation provides added safety around vulnerable tissue structures.1,2
Argon gas is the coldest ablation source commercially available for the surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. The CryoFlex probe reaches temperatures of approximately -150°C in test freezes.3 Compared with dry radiofrequency ablation sources, cryoablation provides the following advantages:1
Khairy P, Chauvet P, Lehmann J, et al. Lower incidence of thrombus formation with cryoenergy versus radio frequency catheter ablation. Circulation. 2003;107:2045-50.
Chronic Dosing Study Summary Report. Data on file. MO61 Rev-0 August 2005. CryoCath Technologies Inc. Montreal, Canada.
Medtronic data on file.