Healthcare Professionals
Cardioblate Navigator
Tissue Dissector
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Healthcare Professionals
Tissue Dissector
Cardioblate Delivers Access
Cardiac tissue dissection prior to ablation device placement demands precise control and feedback sensitivity. The Cardioblate® Navigator® Tissue Dissector gives you the ability to navigate complex cardiac anatomies with single-handed control for soft-tissue dissection in hard-to-reach areas.
The Navigator Tissue Dissector complements Medtronic's Cardioblate family of bipolar solutions with enabling technology for stand-alone surgical ablation procedures. The device is a handheld, sterile blunt dissection device. The device’s battery-powered light source is used to navigate soft tissue for identification of the tip location around anatomic structures.
Navigate Complex Anatomies With Single-Handed Control
The ergonomic, multi-link feature of the Navigator Tissue Dissector allows more control and flexibility with single-handed operation. Traverse a tight curve or straighten out to 0° with the roll of your thumb. Enhanced features facilitate new, easier techniques with more efficient dissection in hard to reach areas.
Enhanced Features for Better Control
The Navigator Tissue Dissector’s multi-link design provides sensitive tactile feedback and enhanced features provide better control:
Using excessive force when articulating may damage the distal links and/or cause unintended tissue damage.