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The Cardioblate® CryoFlex™ Surgical Ablation System is intended for minimally invasive cardiac surgical procedures, including the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. The Cardioblate CryoFlex 7cm, 10cm, and 10-S probes plus the Cardioblate CryoFlex Clamp and Cardioblate CryoFlex Surgical Ablation Console freeze target tissue and block the electrical conduction pathways by creating an inflammatory response and cryonecrosis.
The Cardioblate CryoFlex Surgical Ablation Probe is not designed for use inside a beating heart.
Potential adverse events with this device are similar to other cardiac surgery procedures and may include the following:
Avoid contact between the cryoablation probe and the phrenic nerve to avoid injury. Perioperative heart rhythm disturbances (atrial and/or ventricular)
Cryoablation involving coronary vessels has been associated with subsequent clinically significant arterial stenosis. It is unknown whether Cryoablation with the Cardioblate CryoFlex Surgical Ablation Probe will have such an effect, but as in all such procedures, care should be taken to minimize unnecessary contact with coronary vessels during cryoablation.
Caution: Swedish law restricts this device to be ordered by, and sold to, a physician or medical institution only.
For a complete listing of all indications, contraindications, precautions and warnings, please refer to the Instructions for Use which accompany each product.The Cardioblate Surgical Ablation Monopolar Pens/MAPS are intended to ablate cardiac tissue during cardiac surgery using radiofrequency energy.
The Cardioblate Surgical Ablation Monopolar Pens/MAPS should not be used for
Possible complications related to the ablation of cardiac tissue in combination with open heart surgery are:
The Cardioblate BP2 Surgical Ablation Device is intended to ablate cardiac tissue during cardiac surgery using radiofrequency energy.
The Cardioblate BP2 Surgical Ablation Device should not be used for
Possible complications related to the ablation of cardiac tissue in combination with open heart surgery are:
The Cardioblate LP Surgical Ablation Device is intended to ablate cardiac tissue during cardiac surgery using radiofrequency energy.
The Cardioblate LP Surgical Ablation Device should not be used for
Possible complications related to the ablation of cardiac tissue in combination with open heart surgery are:
To avoid the risk of electrical shock and/or burns to the patient, do not touch the patient while touching the outer housing or connections on the Cardioblate generator. Do not allow the patient to come into contact with the grounded metal surfaces during RF energy delivery.
The Cardioblate Gemini Surgical Ablation Device is intended to ablate cardiac tissue during cardiac surgery using radiofrequency energy. The system is indicated for use under direct or endoscopic visualization, in surgical procedures, including minimally invasive surgical procedures.
The Cardioblate Gemini Surgical Ablation Device should not be used for
Possible complications related to the ablation of cardiac tissue in combination with open heart surgery are:
Using excessive force when articulating may damage the distal links and/or cause unintended tissue damage