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Healthcare Professionals
Kyphon® Balloon Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure designed to repair vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) by reducing and stabilizing the fractures. It has been clinically shown to reduce the fracture, relieve back pain, and improve quality of life.
Unlike other treatments, balloon kyphoplasty utilizes orthopaedic balloons to restore vertebral body height and correct angular deformity. Through a bilateral approach, balloons are guided through working cannulae into the vertebra and carefully inflated to reduce the fracture.
After reduction, the balloons are deflated and removed. The resulting cavity (void) allows for a controlled deposition of Kyphon® bone cement forming an internal cast and stabilizing the fracture.
Read a review of all recent, large (>1000 subjects), peer-reviewed clinical studies with follow-up of at least 12 months, that have evaluated mortality rates following vertebral compression fracture in patients treated with balloon kyphoplasty compared with other operative or nonoperative treatments.