placeTürkiye (Turkey)

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Büyük damarları laparoskopik kolorektal rezeksiyonlarda mühürlemek ve bölmek için LigaSure™ radyofrekans cihazının kullanımı çok yüksek bir başarı oranı ile ilişkilidir.

Bu büyük tek merkezli serinin sonuçları, LigaSure ™ kullanımının:




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LigaSure™ radyofrekans cihazı ile damar mühürleme, vakaların %100'ünde etkili olmuştur.1


Vurgulananlar LigaSure™ teknolojisinin tüm kolorektal cerrahi türlerinde klinik ortamlarda başarılı bir şekilde kullanıldığını gösteren yayınların menşe ülkeleridir.

Ürün Portföyü

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  • 9. Trilling, B., Riboud, R., Abba, J., Girard, E. & Faucheron, J. L. Energy vessel sealing systems versusmechanical ligature of the inferior mesenteric artery in laparoscopic sigmoidectomy. Int. J. ColorectalDis. 31, 903-908 (2016). (PMID: 26841803)
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  • 11. Basdanis, G., Papadopoulos, V. N., Michalopoulos, A., Apostolidis, S. & Harlaftis, N. Randomized clinicaltrial of stapled hemorrhoidectomy vs open with Ligasure for prolapsed piles. Surg. Endosc. Other Interv.Tech. 19, 235-239 (2005). (PMID: 15573239)
  • 12. Fok, K. L., Cheung, M. H. Y., Poon, C. M. & Lee, K. W. LigaSure-assisted versus diathermy day casehaemorroidectomy: A randomized controlled trial. Ambul. Surg. 14, no pagination-no pagination (2008).
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  • 23. Szyca, R., Dratwa, S., Tomaszewski, S. & Leksowski, K. Closed hemorrhoidectomy with LigaSure - Aprospective study. Pol. Przegl. Chir. 78, 1415-1420 (2006).
  • 24. Martian, B. V et al. Wise steps in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy: Standardization of the technique incurent use. Surg. Endosc. Other Interv. Tech. 30, S33–S33 (2016).
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  • 27. Kecmanovic, D. M. et al. Bulk agent Plantago ovata after Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy withLigasureTM. Phyther. Res. 20, 655-658 (2006). (PMID: 16708408)
  • 28. Tan, K. Y. et al. Randomized clinical trial comparing LigaSure haemorrhoidectomy with open diathermyhaemorrhoidectomy. Tech. Coloproctol. 12, 93-97 (2008). (PMID: 18545884)
  • 29. Yun, J. A. et al. Single-incision laparoscopic right colectomy compared with conventional laparoscopyfor malignancy: Assessment of perioperative and short-term oncologic outcomes. Surg. Endosc. OtherInterv. Tech. 27, 2122-2130 (2013). (PMID: 23319285)
  • 30. Castellví, J. et al. LigasureTM versus diathermy hemorrhoidectomy under spinal anesthesia or pudendalblock with ropivacaine: A randomized prospective clinical study with 1-year follow-up. Int. J. ColorectalDis. 24, 1011-1018 (2009). (PMID: 19396451)
  • 31. Hubner, M. et al. Prospective randomized study of monopolar scissors, bipolar vessel sealer andultrasonic shears in laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Br. J. Surg. 95, 1098-1104 (2008). (PMID: 18690630)
  • 32. Chen, C. W., Lai, C. W., Chang, Y. J. & Hsiao, K. H. Modified LigaSure hemorrhoidectomy for thetreatment of hemorrhoidal crisis. Surg. Today 44, 1056-1062 (2014). (PMID: 23812901)
  • 33. Pattana-arun, J., Sooriprasoet, N., Sahakijrungruang, C., Tantiphlachiva, K. & Rojanasakul, A. Closed vsligasure hemorrhoidectomy: A prospective, randomized clinical trial. J. Med. Assoc. Thail. 89, 453-458(2006). (PMID: 16696389)
  • 34. Teksöz, S. et al. Comparison of a vessel sealing system with a conventional technique inhemorrhoidectomy. Balkan Med. J. 28, 189–192 (2011).
  • 35. Vadamalayan, B. et al. Laparoscopic colectomy for ulcerative colitis with associated auto-immune liverdisease and portal hypertension. J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 62, 329 (2016).
  • 36. Adamina, M., Champagne, B. J., Hoffman, L., Ermlich, M. B. & Delaney, C. P. Randomized clinical trial comparing the cost and effectiveness of bipolar vessel sealers versus clips and vascular staplers for laparoscopic colorectal resection. Br J Surg 98, 1703–1712 (2011). (PMID: 21997317)
  • 37. Nakajima K, Nezu R, Ito T, Nishida T. Hand-assisted laparoscopic restorativeproctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis: the optimization of instrumentation towardstandardization. Surg Today. 2010;40(9):840-4. doi:10.1007/s00595-009-4157-8.PMID:20740347
  • 38. Takiguchi N, Nagata M, Soda H, Nomura Y, et al. Multicenter randomized comparison ofLigaSure versus conventional surgery for gastrointestinal carcinoma. Surg Today.2010;40(11):1050-4. doi:10.1007/s00595-009-4234-z. PMID:21046504
  • 39. Trilling B, Riboud R, Abba J, Girard E, et al. Energy vessel sealing systems versus mechanicalligature of the inferior mesenteric artery in laparoscopic sigmoidectomy. Int J Colorectal Dis.2016;31(4):903-8. doi:10.1007/s00384-016-2508-7. PMID:26841803
  • 40. Hubner M, Demartines N, Muller S, Dindo D, et al. Prospective randomized study ofmonopolar scissors, bipolar vessel sealer and ultrasonic shears in laparoscopic colorectalsurgery. Br J Surg. 2008;95(9):1098-104. doi:10.1002/bjs.6321. PMID:18690630
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  • 44. Rimonda R, Arezzo A, Garrone C, Allaix ME, et al. Electrothermal bipolar vessel sealingsystem vs. harmonic scalpel in colorectal laparoscopic surgery: a prospective, randomizedstudy. Dis Colon Rectum. 2009;52(4):657-61. doi:10.1007/DCR.0b013e3181a0a70a.PMID:19404071