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The InterStim™ basic evaluation system includes a reengineered lead designed with you and the patient in mind. Say yes to the test.
DOWNLOAD THE BASIC EVALUATION BROCHUREThe InterStim™ basic evaluation starts with a quick procedure. The evaluation period lasts up to 7 days. During the trial, patients track their symptoms to see if the InterStim™ system has the potential to provide symptom improvement.
The InterStim™ basic evaluation starts with a minimally invasive procedure. During this procedure, a thin wire is inserted in the patient’s upper buttock and attached to an external neurostimulator. Over the following three to seven days, the patient tracks his/her symptoms. After the evaluation, the results are reviewed, and the clinician can determine the best treatment option with the patient. If the test is inconclusive, testing can continue using the InterStim™ advanced evaluation.
InterStim™ Basic Evaluation Lead implant - (07:22)
InterStim basic evaluation animation
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The reengineered InterStim™ basic evaluation lead is designed to minimize electrode movement during daily activities.* High-contrast insertion depth markers make it easy to position the needle tip accurately. Clinicians can use the same familiar procedures for placing the lead and removing it at the end of the trial.
A small, discreet device that is easy for patients to conceal under clothing.
An intuitive programming platform that allows patients to turn therapy on/off or change it at your request.
Medical education and clinical programmes can help you deliver relief even more efficiently.
ACCESS TRAININGComplications can occur with the evaluation, including tissue damage, infection, and technical problems with the device. Patients should be instructed on operating the programmer and given precautions related to the evaluation.
Based on computational modeling and experimental data.
See the device manual for detailed information regarding the instructions for use, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events. If using an MRI SureScan® device, see the MRI SureScan® technical manual before performing an MRI. For further information, contact your local Medtronic representative and/or consult the Medtronic website at medtronic.eu website
For applicable products, consult instructions for use on www.medtronic.com/manuals.
Manuals can be viewed using a current version of any major internet browser. For best results, use Adobe Acrobat® Reader with the browser.