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Remote patient monitoring and management solutions

Solutions for remote data tracking, analysis, and seamless, secure connections with healthcare providers

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CareLink Express™ Mobile

Enable distancing during in-clinic follow up with Carelink Express™ Mobile. Carelink Express™ Mobile decouples a patient device interrogation from the data interpretation, moving data quickly and offering you flexibility without the need for a device clinician to be on-site.​


Needs addressed:


CareLink™ Remote Monitoring

First internet-based remote monitoring system that helps enable data-driven care decisions for patients with Medtronic implantable cardiac devices.

Medtronic CareLink™ remote monitoring connects cardiac device patients to their care team wherever the patient may be.

Remote Monitoring not only is a convenient and efficient way to manage patients, but it has  been shown to improve patient outcomes, detect clinically actionable events more quickly than traditionally  followed patients and reduce Emergency Department/Urgent In-Office visits in HF patients2-11. State-of-the art technologies ensure portability and ease of use  for patients and clinicians. Additionally, new app-based monitoring solutions allow for patient engagement by  offering patients the opportunity to be motivated to engage in healthier behaviours.​

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Improves patient compliance compared to traditional office-based care2
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Detects clinically actionable events (CAEs) in high power wireless devices 79% faster than traditionally followed patients1​
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Allows for 18% reduction in Emergency Department/ urgent in-office visits in HF patients7
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Has shown a greater than​ 50% increase in survival9,10​
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Decreased the number of patients lost to follow-up1
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Detects CAEs in pacemakers more quickly than traditionally followed patients1​
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Takes 58% less clinician time to perform a remote check than an in-office check8


Thumbnail images for Medtronic share with your patients

MyCareLink™ Patient Monitor ​

Data flowing from LINQ II ICM to MyCareLink Heart mobile app to the computer screen

MyCareLink Smart™ 
Monitor ​

Needs addressed:



CloudCare is a web-based care management and decision support system, that coaches and supports patients to confidently manage their diabetes, to get better results and a better life, with an expert diabetes team available for patients and clinicians, when needed.​


How does CloudCare work?​


Needs addressed:


FocusOn™ Patient Monitoring and Triaging Service

Monitoring and triaging service designed to help healthcare professionals save time spent in reviewing transmissions whilst enabling better outcomes.

FocusOn™ service is built around a highly skilled team of certified ECG and cardiac device specialists supervised by Cardiologists, that classifies transmitted  patient data based on agreed protocol and  promptly notifies the physician, allowing  efficient and effective patient treatment.

Increased efficiency
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Improved quality

FocusOn™ frees up time

Less time spent on reviewing non- actionable data means more time for  other relevant activities.

FocusOn™ expands access

Prioritized and proactive communication  frees up resources, so more patients can  be seen and treated.

FocusOn™ enables better outcomes

Clinically relevant transmissions are triaged and escalated promptly to  hospital Clinical Teams, allowing patients requiring treatment to be prioritized and treated in a timely manner.

The continuous FocusOn™ process

The FocusOn™ service is built around a highly skilled team that classifies transmitted patient data based on agreed protocol and promptly notifies the physician, allowing efficient and effective patient treatment. 



Highlight data that requires clinical action

FocusOn™ the 20% that matters*

*Transmissions requiring clinical action or escalation12,13

Multilingual team of ECG technicians and cardiologists have 2 million ECGs of experience.

Needs addressed:


Explore our strategic offerings by clicking on the links below:


  1. Devices Supported on the CareLink Network. January 2014. Data  on File.​

  2. Crossley GH , Boyle A, Vitense H, Chang Y, Mead RH; CONNECT  Investigators. The CONNECT (Clinical Evaluation of Remote  Notification to Reduce Time toClinical Decision) trial: the value of  wireless remote monitoring with automatic clinician alerts. J Am  Coll Cardiol. March 8, 2011;57(10):1181-1189.​

  3. Varma N, Epstein AE, Irimpen A, Schweikert R, Love C; TRUST  Investigators. Efficacy and safety of automatic remote monitoring  for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator follow-up: the Lumos-T  Safely Reduces Routine Office Device Follow-up (TRUST) trial.  Circulation. July 27, 2010;122(4):325-332.​

  4. Chen J, Wilkoff BL, Choucair W, et al. Design of the Pacemaker  REmote Follow-up Evaluation and Review (PREFER) trial to assess  the clinical value of the remote pacemaker interrogation in the  management of pacemaker patients. Trials. April 3, 2008;9:18.​

  5. Saxon LA, Hayes DL, Gilliam FR, et al. Long-term outcome  after ICD and CRT implantation and influence of remote device follow-up: the ALTITUDE survival study. Circulation. December 7,  2010;122(23):2359-2367.​

  6. Mittal S, Piccini JP, Fischer A, et al. Increased Adherence to Remote  Monitoring is Associated with Reduced Mortality in Both Pacemaker  and Defibrillator Patients. Presented at HRS 2014 (LB01-05).​

  7. Akar JG, Bao H, Jones P, et al. Use of Remote Monitoring is  Associated with Improved Outcomes of Patients with Implanted  Cardiac Defibrillators Patient RElated Determinants of ICD Remote  Monitoring (PREDICt RM) study. Boston Scientific Late Breaker  HRS 2014.​

  8. Landolina M, Perego GB, Lunati M, et al. Remote monitoring  reduces healthcare use and improves quality of care in heart  failure patients with implantable defibrillators: the evolution  of management strategies of heart failure patients with implantable defibrillators (EVOLVO) study. Circulation. June 19,  2012;125(24):2985-2992.​

  9. Cronin EM, Ching EA, Varma N, Martin DO, Wilkoff BL, Lindsay BD.  Remote monitoring of cardiovascular devices: a time and activity  analysis. Heart Rhythm. December 2012;9(12):1947-1951.​

  10. Mittal S, et al. Increased Adherence to Remote Monitoring is  Associated with Reduced Mortality in Both Pacemaker and  Defibrillator Patients. Presented at HRS 2014;(LB01-05).​

  11. Akar J, et al. Use of Remote Monitoring is Associated with Improved  Outcomes Among Patients with Implantable Cardioverter  Defibrillators. Presented at HRS 2014;(LB03-03).​
  12. Seiler A et al. J Med Int Res, In print, June 2021
  13. Cronin et al, 2012, Heart Rhythm, vol 9, n°12