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Operational excellence solutions

We provide solutions that help you improve your operations and enhance your efficiencies

Click on each offering to jump to the relevant section


Paceart Optima™ is a system for efficiently and effectively compiling ​and managing cardiac rhythm device data for most manufacturers.​


Health Economics Analytics​

With our health economists we quantify the economic value resulting from improved clinical outcomes and efficiency gains from our therapies. We address business needs like shortening length of stay, cutting emergency department visits, improving Cath-Lab / OR efficiency and saving staff time in order to increase revenues, margins and productivity. Utilizing Apps, we partner to estimate the economic value of a specific therapy. These tools are based on clinical and health economic studies, as well as published  reimbursement tariffs.​


Needs addressed:


Cardiolounge™ Same Day Discharge Solution​

Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions offer a “one-stop-shop solution” for implementing a cutting-edge same-day-discharge (SDD) after PCI program​

Consulting: streamlined implementation of SDD after PCI​

Design & construction: building a cutting-edge, patient-centric Cardiolounge™

Get Ready® digital patient engagement: maximized patient engagement & information​


Accelerated and sustained implementation of SDD after PCI with minimized distribution of  clinical routine​

Image depicting a grandma is teaching her grandchildren how to bake
Maximized patient  satisfaction and experience​


Maximized benefits from SDD after PCI for you and your patients by building on best-practices​

Decorative image of a small group gathers to discuss important things that are going on at the hospital.
Improved resource & capacity utilization
Positive impact on reputation  and referrals​

Needs addressed:


Fast-track Cardiology Diagnostics Solution​

A Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions program giving cardiology patients immediate access to all diagnostic procedures in a single visit. ​

Our comprehensive and fully managed cardiology diagnostic centre provides patients with a one-stop diagnostic experience that reduces time to first  appointment, shortens diagnostic wait times, and lowers diagnostic costs for hospitals.​

This one-stop concept is especially valuable during COVID-19 as it helps alleviate patient fear about interacting with the  healthcare system, while reducing instances of deferred care, and assisting hospitals in refilling their patient pipeline.​

Based on CCN proven model tested in the Netherlands. Founded in 2006 by cardiologists Igor Tulevski and Aernout Somsen,  CCN is a rapidly growing innovative care model with rapid-access fast-track cardiology services in the Netherlands. CCN  currently operates at 12 locations in the Netherlands and served >200,000 patients.​


Immediate access​

48h instead of weeks or months​



Single 2-hour appointment​

Including all diagnostic tests needed,  instead of several appointments that  include only one or part of the tests  required to diagnose​




  • Qualified and experienced cardiologist  and nursing team​

  • Proven and tested protocols​

  • CardioPortal™ information system​

Needs addressed:


MediReport suite​

A Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions program


Functional benefits​

  • Up-to-date with clinical guidelines​

  • Superior clinical features​

  • Offers all operational modules for CLs​

  • Out of the box configuration, limited need for customization​

  • IHE compliant interfacing​

​Organizational benefits​

  • Clinical expertise​

  • Highly flexible​

  • Modality/PACS vendor neutral​

  • ISO 13485 certified​



Referral Network​

A Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions program


We help customers improve referral management by: ​​

  • Increasing the number ​of patients that join or stay in network​​
  • Increasing the number of referrers​​
  • Building referrer loyalty
  • Making it easy  for referrers ​to send patients to you​​
  • Identifying & implementing ​the changes required to build and maintain a high-performance referral network​





 We will support the hospitals in assessing, building, and maintaining a high-performance referral network​

Needs addressed:


Capacity Recovery Center Solution​

A Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions program

Needs addressed:


Patient Call Center Optimization​

A Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions program


To establish a systematic call management infrastructure focused on the highest appointment record, by eliminating missed call in the call center process.​





  • Increasing the number of patient appointment records with the elimination of missed calls
  • High patient satisfaction with easy access
  • Opportunity for revenue growth through advanced capacity planning and increased appointment registration​
  • Minimum overtime cost with the dynamic resource use focusing on workload distribution ​
  • Generating add-on services for patient follow-up and telesales ​

Needs addressed:


Patient pathway optimisation: OR optimization example​

A Medtronic Integrated Health Solutions program



  • Active Waitlist Management and Patient Prep​
  • Maximizing OR Capacity​
  • Transforming Pathways, Reducing LoS, ​improved outcomes ​
  • Sustainable and ​cost-effective OR​​


OR optimization​
 Help hospitals create strategic advantage and increase productivity, tackling their key bottlenecks.​

Needs addressed:


Explore our strategic offerings by clicking on the links below: