Tecnología de vanguardia para una mayor fexibilidad, adaptabilidad y claridad. Esto es lo que proporciona la plataforma EleVision™ HD 2.
Mejore la visualización con la plataforma de EleVision™ HD 2
Con un diseño simplificado y mejorado,([FOOTNOTE=Based on internal test report #RE00246399, EleVision™ HD 2 platform summative usability validation lab. February 2019. Data on file.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]) los componentes de la Plataforma EleVision™ HD 2 puede mejorar la capacidad de los cirujanos para ver y responder a una variedad de necesidades quirúrgicas.
TipVision™ proporciona una visión clara y consistente:
Aprende cómo funciona el videoscopio TipVision™, la nitidez 1,2,†,‡ y la luminosidad ([FOOTNOTE=Based on internal report #VD2143, Rev 00. Scholley. June 2019. Data on file.],[ANCHOR=],[LINK=]),††,§§ que proporciona una visión más consitente.3,§,ΩΩ
†Average scores with 19 surgeons on image color and sharpness were 4.6 and 4.7 out of 5, respectively.
‡Based on preclinical or animal studies. Results may not correlate to performance in humans.
§Compared to a traditional rod-lens laparoscope when used in a laparoscopic cholecystectomy and a laparoscopic TAPP hernia repair.
ΩCompared to an unaltered white light image. 13 out of 19 surgeons surveyed agreed.
††TipVision™ videoscope has fixed depth-of-field of 20 mm-200 mm with most optimal image between 30 mm and 60 mm.
‡‡Compared to traditional rod-lens designs with light fibers and an external light source.
§§Maximum luminous flux of TipVision™ videoscope measured at 73.3; Olympus EndoEye™* measured at 42.9. Test methodology based on integrating sphere and spectrometer calibrated to reference lamp in LightMtrx software.
ΩΩCompared to Olympus EndoEye™*.
†††Relative to CCD sensors.
‡‡‡As evaluated in a clinical study with the FICE system (Fujinon™* Corporation) in the identification of gastroduodenal lesions.