Like Me

Take a moment to look after yourself

Are you among the 62% of women who say they don't have time to find out about being healthy?1 Up to 90% of household healthcare decisions are made or influenced by women, who usually shoulder responsibility for the whole family.2

In a busy life that may involve juggling multiple roles, looking after your own health can often go to the bottom of the list.

Listen to your body.

Understand your symptoms.

Download and learn more about common conditions that affect millions of women around the world.

Patient Testimonials

Sarah's experience of Painful Periods, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding, Anemia, Fibroids, Hysterectomy.

Follow her treatment journey

Christine's experience of Heavy Menstrual Bleedings, PCOs, Endometriosis, Polyps, Uterine Artery Embolization, Hysterectomy.

Follow her treatment journey

Nathalie's experience of Fibroids.

Follow her treatment journey

Geneviève's experience of Fibroids, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Anemia.

Follow her treatment journey

#womenlikeme #myhealthmypriority

We believe that all women deserve to be fully informed and know when to seek advice.

After all, it's your body.

Your health. Your priority.


1. The Health Care Industry Needs to Start Taking Women Seriously. (2015, May 28). Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2015/05/the-health-care-industry-needs-to-start-taking-women-seriously

2. Engaging Women in Healthcare Marketing. (2016, June 2). Medical Web Experts. https://www.medicalwebexperts.com/blog/engaging-women-in-healthcare-marketing/