Surgical education & training

More clinical expertise

More clinical possibilities 

Our clinical education and training programmes are designed to help you develop and grow as a healthcare professional. We are committed to delivering targeted educational solutions aimed at helping you achieve procedural and clinical proficiency.

We look to utilise a variety of approaches including online and in person learning resources.

Learning pathway

We partner with recognised experts in Europe to design and deliver educational programmes aimed at continuously developing surgeons’ skills for better patient outcomes and drive best practices to tackle your day-to-day surgical challenges.

Our programmes are delivered through a blended learning approach with formats such as e-learning, didactic lectures, webinars, interactive discussions,  hands on workshops and surgical observation.

Colorectal base camp

Colorectal Basecamp, is a free to use dynamic space to:

Upskill, explore, review, and learn all that you need for your Colorectal practice. Build your theoretical knowladge, take exams and earn accreditation. 

Webinar series

The colorectal webinar series is to provide a comprehensive modular training program for colorectal surgeons that are looking to move to minimally invasive techniques or progress to more complex minimally invasive procedures.The webinar series has involved over 25 experts from across the world.

Touch Surgery™ app

Take digital education to the next level by using the Touch Surgery™ interactive cognitive task simulation app.

Learn, test and prepare for surgery with more than 200 simulations which can be especially useful for surgeons in training.

Touch Surgery™ is an academically-validated interactive surgical simulator that provides a realistic and detailed guide to every step of a procedure. So you can learn, test, and rehearse for surgery – anytime, anywhere.

Touch Surgery™ app is intended for training and education use only. It is not intended for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease or any condition by facilitating a health professionals assessment.
The Medtronic Touch Surgery™ Enterprise is not intended to direct surgery, or aid in diagnosis or treatment of a disease or condition


† Singh, Pritam, et al. "A Randomized Controlled Study to Evaluate the Role of Video-based Coaching in Training Laparoscopic Skills." Annals of Surgery 261.5 /2015): 862-869.