Shiley™ Specialized Tracheostomy Tubes

Please fill out this form to request custom tubes from a previous order.
Please note: All orders are Non-refundable.

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Order details

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This field is required. Providing the previous purchase order # makes it easier for us to reorder your tube.

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Customer details

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This field is required for USA/Canada. Please enter your two letter state or province abbreviation.

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Billing information

Same as shipping information
Enter different billing information


Customer Service: 1-800-962-9888 Option 5
  • How do I reorder a custom tube?

    You can reorder a custom tube from a previous order by referencing the lot number of that tube and entering that information on the REORDER FORM.

  • How long does it take for a special tracheostomy tube to be made?

    10 - 13 business days if non-sterile and 35 business days if sterile due to the sterilization/quarantine process.

  • How do I return a custom tube?

    We only accept returns if something is wrong with your order. If something is wrong, please fax us with a reason why the tube needs to be returned.

  • How much does a custom tube cost?

    $171.45 plus shipping costs (standard overnight shipping or ground shipping available upon request).

Order request tool

Request specialized tracheostomy tubes with ease.

Use our step-by-step order request tool to customize adult, neonatal, and pediatric tracheostomy tubes to ensure your request is processed quickly by our customer service team.

Already know what you want?

Fill out a quick form to request a tube from a previous order.

Choose your tube to begin

Please note: all orders are NON-REFUNDABLE.

You must have an existing account with us to order a custom tube.

If you need to find out how to get an account with us, or to place an order, please call 800.962.9888, then selection option 2 --> option 4 to speak with a live customer service representative.