
Customer Service: 1-800-962-9888 Option 5
  • How do I reorder a custom tube?

    You can reorder a custom tube from a previous order by referencing the lot number of that tube and entering that information on the reorder form from the home page.

  • How long does it take for a special tracheostomy tube to be made?

    10 - 13 business days if non-sterile and 35 business days if sterile due to the sterilization/quarantine process.

  • How do I return a custom tube?

    We only accept returns if something is wrong with your order. If something is wrong, please fax us with a reason why the tube needs to be returned.

  • How much does a custom tube cost?

    $171.45 plus shipping costs (standard overnight shipping or ground shipping available upon request).


Choose your size

NOTE: All dimensions are in millimeters. For smaller pediatric and neonatal options, please select the neo peds tracheostomy tube.


Choose your length

Current length: Proximal: Distal: Total length: The current length is the length noted in the size you chose on the previous screen.

This will be your length (Standard) unless you modify it.

NOTE: All dimensions are in millimeters. For smaller pediatric and neonatal options, please select the neo peds tracheostomy tube.


Choose your cuff


Choose your flange

Rotate flange?


Choose your curve


Choose your fenestration

NOTE: Fenestration location and size can only be changed on uncuffed tubes.

Finalize your order

You're almost done.

Please let us know if you need sterilization for this order.