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Heart Failure Management
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CRT-Ds | Quick Facts |
Claria MRI CRT-Ds offer personalized CRT through our EffectivCRT™ During AF Algorithm, EffectivCRT™ Diagnostic and AdaptivCRT™ Algorithm. It also features a 6-year warranty. It comes in quad and non-quad models. |
Amplia MRI combines MRI access with CRT-D technology options. It has a 6-year warranty and comes in quad and non-quad models. |
Compia MRI provides MRI access for your CRT-D patients with a 4-year warranty. It is available in a quad (IS4/DF-4) model and a non-quad (IS1/DF-1) model. |
Viva XT comes in quad and non-quad models. Indications, Safety, and Warnings
Viva S comes in quad and non-quad models. |
Click on the device name to find more detailed information.
Click on the name to find more detailed information.
Tools | Quick Facts |
Our leads portfolio helps you navigate different anatomies to enhance success during a CRT implant. Designs are available for stability in various vein sizes and programming options to avoid phrenic nerve stimulation. |
Our delivery systems help navigate diverse anatomies so you can achieve a successful CRT implant. |