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Inflammatory Bowel Disease diagnostic and treatment options

View the range of different diagnostic and treatment options for both Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis below. We’ve also created a discussion guide to help you discuss your options with your doctor. 


Stool study

You may need to provide a stool sample to make sure your symptoms are not caused by an infection. A stool sample can also detect inflammation through a test for faecal calprotectin levels, which is a marker of white blood cells released from the inflammation of the gut lining. 


Blood tests

Blood tests are used to help rule out other potential causes of Inflammatory Bowel Disease symptoms, and to decide what other testing is needed to make a diagnosis. A blood test may also be used to find out if you have anaemia, low nutrition levels, inflammation or gut infection. 



An endoscopy procedure is used to view the digestive system with an endoscope or tube with a camera and light at the end. Depending on the test, the camera may be inserted through the mouth or anus. A tissue sample, also known as a biopsy, may be collected and examined. 


Capsule Endoscopy 

Capsule Endoscopy is a procedure that involves swallowing a small capsule, which is the same size as a large vitamin. Inside the capsule is a tiny camera that takes pictures as it travels through your digestive system. It is used for diagnosis and monitoring of treatment results. 


Medical Therapy

Depending on the level of severity, Inflammatory Bowel Disease may require immunosuppression to control the symptoms. Immunosuppression refers to using medications to depress the body’s ability to generate an inflammatory response. During times of acute exacerbation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, steroids are often used to control disease flare ups. 


Surgical Therapy

Surgery for Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a carefully considered decision when Colitis or Crohn’s Disease related complications occur that are unable to be treated with other methods. Your doctor will discuss with you the various surgical options that are available and tailor this to your individual patient needs. 

All medical procedures have benefits and risks which should be discussed with your doctor. Always follow the instructions of your health care professional. 


  1. Mayo Clinic Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment.