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Capsule Endoscopy 

Capsule Endoscopy is a non-invasive way for your doctor to visualise specifically the small bowel, which is unreachable during other types of endoscopy procedures. It can be used to diagnose and monitor various conditions in your digestive tract.*

Capsule endoscopy is a procedure that involves swallowing a small capsule, which is the same size as a large vitamin. Inside the capsule is a tiny camera that takes pictures as it travels through your digestive system. The images are then transmitted to a recording device worn on a belt around your waist and analysed by your doctor.2

Your doctor might suggest a capsule endoscopy procedure to:


Find the cause of bleeding in the small bowel: this is the most common reason for a capsule endoscopy

Diagnose inflammatory bowel diseases: such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis

Screen for polyps and diagnose cancer: to look for potential polyps or tumours in the digestive tract


The procedure


The Capsule Endoscopy camera takes thousands of photos as it passes through your digestive tract. The images are sent to a computer with special software that creates a video for your doctor to watch and look for unusual areas within your digestive tract.

*Capsule Endoscopy: Cleveland Clinic. June 2022:

  1. Capsule Endoscopy: Tests and Procedures. Mayo Clinic: