Aortic Inventory
Stock Management

Medtronic’s production capacity has not been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Medtronic have a very high level of Aortic product inventory and we have been increasing our stock levels to ensure our customers can receive the products they need to help their patients.

Ensuring you have enough stock to manage the emergency cases and the backlog of patients waiting to be treated is extremely important.

The aortic sales team will support you in the management of any inventory levels you have within your hospital.

Please be sure to speak to them regarding any short-dated stock to ensure these devices are replenished as quickly as possible.


Aortic Covid-19 Supply Kit
temporary supply solution

supply table

In order to respond to the need of hospitals dealing with aortic emergencies in this critical situation, Medtronic have built a temporary solution, a predefined kit of stent grafts which we can supply where demand is highly required.

If you would like to request this kit to support your patients through this difficult time, please contact your aortic sales representative to discuss the best options available to you, as this solution is only available for a limited time and may be subject to availability.

one kit


Alternatively, you can benefit from our One Kit, One Procedure solution.

contact sales rep

Our sales team can help give guidance on the most suitable solutions available to your patients


office lady
