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Contact us - Medtronic in the UK

Contact the relevant team using the details below, or complete the contact form for general enquiries.

Heart product support

Please note, the Contact Us form below must be used for general enquiries only. We are unable to answer any technical questions via this form, so please do not include any personal information here.

For patients with a heart device or patient monitoring questions, please call our Be Connected support team on 00800-266-632-82 (or +441923202543), Monday-Friday 8am-4pm (voicemail outside of office hours).

Alternatively, please visit our dedicated remote monitoring web portal which contains lots of useful information

Diabetes product support

Please note, the form below is intended for general enquiries. If you are a diabetes patient seeking support please visit our Diabetes website(opens new window).

General enquiries

Personal information

Contact Information

Contact reason

Information on data privacy

The information you provide through this form is necessary to respond to you and will be shared with the Medtronic affiliates responsible for providing the information requested. For more information on how Medtronic processes your personal data and your rights, please read our Privacy Notice(opens new window)

Your acknowledgement*

 I acknowledge that I have read Medtronic's Privacy Notice(opens new window)