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Implantable Cardiac Devices
Conexus® Wireless Telemetry with the Medtronic CareLink® Network provides a complete remote patient management system for better patient care. Use at implant for safety and convenience. Conexus Telemetry uses the Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS) radio frequency band – it’s designated worldwide for medical devices and protects against interference.
Transforming Implant Management (01:02)
Enhancing Clinic Efficiencies (01:10)
Remote Follow-up With CareLink® Network (01:22)
The Medtronic CareAlert Notification levels for devices with Conexus® Wireless Telemetry can be designated as Red, Yellow, or Website-Only. The urgency levels can be set clinic-wide or customized for individual patients, when you determine it’s necessary.
Medtronic Care Alert® Notifications
You will be notified of wireless alerts via your choice of:
Wireless Alert Notification Methods
For alert notifications to be sent to the CareLink Website, “Home Monitor” alerts must be programmed to "On" in the device using the CareLink Programmer.
Note: Alerts identified with an asterisk (*) are nonprogrammable alerts. A patient-audible tone will always sound when a nonprogrammable device alert occurs.