Healthcare Professionals
Aquamantys System
and Bipolar Sealers
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Healthcare Professionals
Aquamantys System
and Bipolar Sealers
Hip Procedure Videos
View a hip surgery video that demonstrates the use of Aquamantys® surgical devices:
(27:24, 484 MB)
Dr. John Keggi performs total hip arthroplasty using the direct anterior approach, also demonstrating the positive effects of using the Aquamantys System from Medtronic Advanced Energy.
(05:10, 47 MB)
Dr. Steven Weeden performs mini-incision anterolateral primary total hip replacement, explaining the benefits of using the Aquamantys System from Medtronic Advanced Energy during the procedure.
(06:32, 338 MB)
Dr. Thomas Gross performs a hip resurfacing procedure, explaining the benefits of using the Aquamantys System from Medtronic Advanced Energy during the procedure.
(04:22, 63 MB)
Dr. Stefan Kreuzer performs MIS anterior hip arthroplasty, explaining the benefits of including the Aquamantys System during the procedure.
Knee Procedure Videos
View a knee surgery video that demonstrates the use of Aquamantys® surgical devices:
(26:50, 522 MB)
Dr. Giles Scuderi performs total knee arthroplasty, demonstrating the benefits of using the Aquamantys System from Medtronic Advanced Energy.
(26:29, 470 MB)
Dr. Harold Delano Schutte, Jr., performs total knee arthroplasty using the tourniquetless technique, also demonstrating the positive effects of using the Aquamantys System from Medtronic Advanced Energy.
(04:33, 57 MB)
Dr. Paul Nourbash performs total knee arthroplasty, explaining the benefits of including the Aquamantys System from Medtronic Advanced Energy during the procedure.
Orthopaedic Surgery Documentation
To access technical documentation related to Aquamantys® products, including
pump generator user guides and disposable device Instructions for Use (IFUs),
please visit the Medtronic Manual Library and search using the order code
(catalog number) of your product.
Medtronic Manual Library