Healthcare Professionals
Strata NSC
Lumboperitoneal Adjustable Pressure Shunts
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Healthcare Professionals
Lumboperitoneal Adjustable Pressure Shunts
Lumbar shunt catheters are used in conjunction with a lumboperitoneal valve and a peritoneal catheter to create a lumboperitoneal shunt. Lumbar shunt catheters are attached to a lumboperitoneal valve and are designed to divert cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the lumbar subarachnoid space to the peritoneal cavity. Lumbar shunt catheters are available in closed- or open-tip configurations.
The most common complications associated with this product are due to obstruction of the system, infection, and mechanical malfunction. Catheters may become kinked, disconnected, or blocked. It is important to review the product labeling for complete safety information, potential complications, contraindications, and a complete explanation of warnings and precautions.
Physiological changes may cause a change in the patient’s pressure-level needs. In these cases the pressure level of a shunt needs to be revised. The advent of adjustable hydrocephalus valves has made this experience simpler, more cost-effective, and less traumatic than past revisions of fixed pressure shunts.
The adjustment and verification of the pressure setting on the PS Medical® Strata® NSC LP Shunt can be done easily with the StrataVarius® Adjustment System. The StrataVarius is easily portable and does not require an outside power source. The patient’s shunt can be adjusted in the physician’s office or examination room. The StrataVarius has proven accurate enough in verification that it does not require further confirmation via X-ray.