Healthcare Professionals
Subdural Evacuating Port System
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Healthcare Professionals
Subdural Evacuating Port System
Use of the SEPS™ Cranial Access Kit is indicated when access to and evacuation of a cranial subacute or chronic hematoma or hygroma is necessary. The SEPS Cranial Access Kit is intended for drainage of subdural fluid accumulations such as hygromas and chronic or subacute hematomas to an external suction reservoir. The SEPS Cranial Access Kit is also intended for draining air and fluids from the subdural space immediately following craniotomy procedures performed to remove a chronic or subacute subdural hematoma.
Use of the SEPS Cranial Access Kit is contraindicated for patients with acute subdural hematomas, patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy, and is not designed, sold, or intended for use except as indicated.
In addition to the risks associated with any brain surgical procedure, such as bleeding, damage to surrounding brain tissue, seizures, stroke, or death, the following complications may also occur: foreign body reactions; bacterial contamination of the wound, wound abscess, fistula formation, and herniation of tissues at the site of the evacuating port; pneumocephalus; obstruction of the system by kinking the tubing or plugging the tubing or port with blood clots or bone particles, and disconnection of the system.
These complications, as well as persistent or recurring subdural effusion or inadequate placement of the evacuating port may require follow-up surgery such as the need to reposition the port, the placement of a second port, percutaneous needle aspiration or craniotomy.
Attention Consumers!
This therapy is not for everyone. Please consult your physician. A prescription is required.
Attention Physicians!
For further information, please contact your Medtronic NT sales representative.
Caution: Swedish law restricts this device to be ordered by, and sold to, a physician or medical institution only. Refer to product package insert for instructions, warnings, precautions and complications.