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Many clinical studies have been published about Transcollation™ technology, a combination of RF energy and saline that provides hemostatic sealing of soft tissue and bone and has been shown to reduce blood transfusion rates during and after general surgery.1 Below are a few key studies and their corresponding results.
Hepatic Resection in 170 Patients Using Saline-cooled Radiofrequency Coagulation1
In a study of 170 patients at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Geller et al. reduced transfusion rates for liver resections to 3.5% when using Transcollation technology compared to published averages of 15-33% for large institutions.
Novel Method of Stump Closure for Distal Pancreatectomy with a 75% Reduction in Pancreatic Fistula Rate2
In a study examining the rate of pancreatic fistula (PF) formation occurring following distal pancreatectomy in 62 patients, those cases that incorporated Transcollation technology experienced a 75% reduction in the PF rate compared to control (10% PF rate in the Transcollation arm vs. 36% PF rate in the control arm).
Open Partial Nephrectomy Using Saline-Enhanced Monopolar Radiofrequency Device: Evaluation of Novel Surgical Technique with TissueLink DS3.0 Dissecting Sealer3
In a study of 22 open partial nephrectomies with hilar occlusion, data showed a 30-35% (p=0.07) reduction in blood loss in the 11 cases treated with Transcollation technology.
A more complete list of journal articles and clinical publications follows.
Geller DA, Tsung A, Maheshwari V et al. Hepatic resection in 170 patients using saline-cooled radiofrequency coagulation. HPB 2005; 7:208-213.
Urena R, Mendez F, Woods M et al. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy of solid renal masses without hilar clamping using monopolar radio frequency device. J Urology 2004; 171(3):1054-6.
Sprunger J, Herrell SD. Partial laparoscopic nephrectomy using monopolar saline-coupled radiofrequency device: animal model and tissue effect characterization. J Endourology 2005; 19(4):513-9.
Blansfield JA, Rapp MM, Chokshi RJ et al. Novel method of stump closure for distal pancreatectomy with a 75% reduction in pancreatic fistula rate. J Gastrointest Surg 2012; 16(3):524-528.
Truty MJ, Sawyer MD, Que FG. Decreasing pancreatic leak after distal pancreatectomy: saline coupled radiofrequency ablation in a porcine model. J Gastrointest Surg 2007; 11(8):998-1007.
Ilbeigi P, Ahmed M, Szobota J et al. Open partial nephrectomy using saline-enhanced monopolar radiofrequency device: evaluation of novel surgical technique with TissueLink DS3.0 dissecting sealer. Urology 2005; 65(3):578-82.
Richter S, Kollmar O, Schuld J et al. Randomized clinical trial of efficacy and costs of three dissection devices in liver resection. British Journal of Surgery 2009; 96(6):593-601.
Pamecha V, Gurusamy KS, Sharma D et al. Techniques for liver parenchymal transection: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. HPB 2009; 11(4):275-281.
El Moghazy WM, Hedaya MS, Kaido T et al. Two different methods for donor hepatic transection: cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator with bipolar cautery versus cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator with radiofrequency coagulator-a randomized controlled trial. Liver Transplantation 2009; 15(1):102-105.
Gnerlich JL, Ritter JH, Linehan DC, Hawkins WG et al. Saline-linked surface radiofrequency ablation: a safe and effective method of surface ablation of hepatic metastatic colorectal cancer. Annals of Surgery. 2009; 250(1):96-102.
Lee KF, Wong J, Cheung YS, Lai P. Feasibility of liver resection without the use of the routine Pringle manoeuver: an analysis of 248 consecutive cases. HPB 2009; 11(4):332-338.
Palavecino M, Kishi Y, Chun YS, Brown DL et al. Two-surgeon technique of parenchymal transection contributes to reduced transfusion rate in patients undergoing major hepatectomy: analysis of 1557 consecutive liver resections. Surgery 2010; 147(1):40-48.
Kaneko H, Otsuka Y, Tsuchiya M et al. Application of devices for safe laparoscopic hepatectomy. HPB 2008; 10(4):219-224.
Koffron AJ, Stein JA. Laparoscopic liver surgery: parenchymal transection using saline-enhanced electrosurgery. HPB 2008; 10(4):225-228.
McGahan JP, Khatri VP. Imaging findings after liver resection by using radiofrequency parenchymal coagulation devices: initial experiences. Radiology 2008; 247(3):896-902.
Wojdemann M, Riber C, Burcharth F. New liver surgery techniques. Few complications and more advantages?” Ugeskr Laeger 2008; 170(16):1342-5 (in Danish).
Xia F, Wang S, Ma K et al. The use of saline-linked radiofrequency dissecting sealer for liver transaction in patients with cirrhosis. Journal of Surgical Research 2008; 149(1):110-114.
Hutchins R, Bertucci M. Experience with TissueLink radiofrequency-assisted parenchymal division. Digestive Surgery 2007; 24(4):318-321.
Nissen N, Grewal N, Lee J et al. Completely laparoscopic nonanatomic hepatic resection using saline-cooled cautery and hydrodissection. The American Surgeon 2007; 73(10):987-90.
Poon RT. Current techniques of liver transection. HPB 2007; 9(3):166-173.
Truty MJ, Sawyer MD, Que FG. Decreasing pancreatic leak after distal pancreatectomy: saline-coupled radiofrequency ablation in a porcine model. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2007; 11(8):998-1007.
Itamoto T, Fukuda S, Tashiro H et al. Radiofrequency-assisted partial splenectomy with a new and simple device.” The American Journal of Surgery 2006; 192(2):252-254.
Learn P, Bowers S, Watkins K. Laparascopic hepatic resection using saline-enhanced electrocautery permits short hospital stays. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2006; 10(3):422-7.
McCormack L, Petrowsky H, Clavien PA. Novel approach using dissecting sealer for uncinate process resection during pancreaticoduodenectomy. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2006; 202(3):556-8.
Passariello M, Almenrader N, Coccetti B. Hyperthermia during surgery with TissueLink. Paediatric Anaesthesia 2006; 16(10):1099-1100.
Richtmyer, JM. Electrosurgical burns in pediatric patients undergoing liver resection with saline-enhanced radiofrequency technology. AORN Journal 2006; 83(3):658-664.
Wei W., et al. The value of TissueLink hemostatic sealer in hepatecomy for hepatocellular carcinoma. Ai Zheng 2006; 25(11):1443-6 (in Chinese).
Aloia TA., et al. Two-surgeon technique for hepatic parenchymal transection of the noncirrhotic liver using saline-linked cautery and ultrasonic dissection. Annals of Surgery 2005; 242(2):172-7.
Ogata S, Kiannmanesh R, Varma D et al. Improvement of surgical margin with a coupled saline radio-frequency device for multiple colorectal liver metastases. JHBP Surgery. 2005; 12(6):498-501.
Buell J, Koffron A, Thomas M et al. Laparoscopic liver resection. J of the American College of Surgeons 2005; 200(3):472-80.
Clayman RV. TissueLink device for laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery. Journal of Urology 2005; 174(4 pt1):1248-1249.
Di Carlo I, Sofia M, Toro A et al. Colorectal liver metastases resected with safe margin achieved by TissueLink monopolar floating ball. Suppl Tumori 2005; 4(3):S37-8 (in Italian).
Di Carlo I, Toro A, Sofia M et al. Use of the floating ball for hepatic resection in cirrhotic patients affected by hepatocellular carcinoma. G Chir 2005; 26(8-9):321-7 (in Italian).
Fioole B, van der Bilt JD, Elias SG et al. Precoagulation minimizes blood loss during standardized hepatic resection in an experimental model. British Journal of Surgery 2005; 92(11):1409-1416.
Lesurtel M, Selzner M, Petrowsky H et al. How should transection of the liver be performed? A prospective, randomized study in 100 consecutive patients: comparing four different transection strategies. Annals of Surgery 2005; 242(6):814-22.
Poon RT, Fan ST, Wong J. Liver resection using a saline-linked radiofrequency dissecting sealer for transection of the liver. Journal of American College Surgeons 2005; 200(2):308-313.
Herrell SD, Levin BM. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: Use of the TissueLink hemostatic dissection device. Journal of Endourology 2005; 19(4):446-9.
Vanlangendonck R, Venkatesh R, Vulin C et al. Laparoscopic ureterocalicostomy: development of a technique simplified by application of nitinol clips and a wet monopolar electrosurgery device. Journal of Endourology 2005; 19(2):225-9.
Tan YH, Young MD, L’Esperance JO et al. Hand-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy without hilar vascular clamping using a saline-cooled, high-density monopolar radiofrequency device.” Journal of Endourology 2004; 18(9):883-7.
Stern JA, Simon SD, Ferrigni RG et al. TissueLink device for laparoscopic nephron-sparing surgery. Journal of Endourology 2004; 18(5):455-6.
Buell JF, Thomas MJ, Doty TC et al. An initial experience and evolution of laparoscopic hepatic resectional surgery. Surgery 2004; 136(4):804-811.
Di Carlo I, Barbagallo F, Toro A et al. Hepatic resections using a water-cooled, high-density, monopolar device: a new technology for safer surgery. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2004; 8(5):596-600.
Gruttadauria S, Doria C, Vitale CH et al. Preliminary report on surgical technique in hepatic parenchymal transection for liver tumors in the elderly: a lesson learned from living related liver transplantation. Journal of Surgical Oncology 2004; 88(4):229-233.
Sakamoto Y, Yamamoto J, Kokudo N et al. Bloodless liver resection using the monopolar floating ball plus Ligasure diathermy: preliminary results of 16 liver resections. World Journal of Surgery 2004; 28(2):166-172.
Topp SA, McClurken M, Lipson D et al. Saline-linked surface radiofrequency ablation: factors affecting steam popping and depth of injury in pig liver. Annals of Surgery 2004; 239(4):518-527.
Urena R, Mendez F, Woods M et al. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy of solid renal masses without hilar clamping using a monopolar radiofrequency device. Journal of Urology 2004; 171(3):1054-6.
Simon SD, Ferrigni RG, Novicki DE et al. Mayo Clinic Scottsdale experience with laparoscopic nephron sparing surgery for renal tumors. Journal of Urology 2003; 169(6):2059-62.
Sundaram CP, Rehman J, Venkatesh R et al. Hemostatic laparoscopic partial nephrectomy assisted by a water-cooled, high-density, monopolar device without renal vascular control. Urology 2003; 61(5):906-9.
Lin E, Gonzalez R, Venkatesh KR et al. Can current technology be integrated to facilitate laparoscopic liver donor hepatectomy? Surgical Endoscopy 2003; 17(5):750-3.
Sims C. Histological characteristics of laparoscopic saline-enhanced electrosurgery of liver and splenic injuries. Surgical Endoscopy 2003; 17(11):1739-43.
Velanovich V, Weaver M. Partial splenectomy using a coupled saline-radiofrequency hemostatic device. American Journal of Surgery 2003; 185(1):66-68.
Strasberg S, et al. “Utility of Saline-Linked RF Ablation in Liver Surgery: Effect of Power, Surface Diameter and Inflow Occlusion on Depth of Liver Destruction in Humans.” International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association 2006; Edinburgh, Scotland.
Truty MJ, Kendrick ML, Farnell MB, Harold. Management of the Pancreatic Stump in the Modern Era. Pancreas Club 2006; Los Angeles, Ca.
Choti D. The Oncological Effect of the TissueLink device on Liver Surface Tumors and Positive Margins. American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association 2005; Fort Lauderdale, Fl.
Geller D., et al. Results in Liver Surgery. Surgeon Forum 2003; New Orleans, La.
Sturgeon C, Helton WS, Lamba A et al. Early Experience Employing Linear Radiofrequency Pretransection Hepatic Coagulation. American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association 2003; Fort Lauderdale, Fl.
Geller DA, Tsung A, Maheshwari V et al. Hepatic resection in 170 patients using saline-cooled radiofrequency coagulation. HPB 2005; 7:208-213.
Blansfield JA, Rapp MM, Chokshi RJ et al. Novel method of stump closure for distal pancreatectomy with a 75% reduction in pancreatic fistula rate. J Gastrointest Surg 2012; 16(3):524-528.
Ilbeigi P, Ahmed M, Szobota J et al. Open partial nephrectomy using saline-enhanced monopolar radiofrequency device: evaluation of novel surgical technique with TissueLink DS3.0 dissecting sealer. Urology 2005; 65(3):578-82.