Healthcare Professionals
PEAK PlasmaBlade TnA Dissection Device
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Healthcare Professionals
PEAK PlasmaBlade TnA Dissection Device
Powered ENT Instruments
View the indications, safety, and warnings for the Integrated Power Console (IPC® System).
The Straightshot® M4 Microdebrider is part of the IPC® System and XPS® 3000 System.
View the indications, safety, and warnings for the Straightshot M4 Microdebrider.
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The surgeon must use medical judgment and consider the patient’s medical history prior to a decision to surgically insert a ventilation tube. Pathologic conditions for which ventilation tubes are indicated include but are not limited to:
Some conditions for which ventilation tubes may not be the therapy of choice include:
The surgeon is encouraged to carefully choose a tube size, style and material to meet the needs of each specific clinical situation, while minimizing adverse effects.
Larger tube diameters and increasing flange size may increase the chances of prolonged tube retention and/or residual perforation.
Medtronic Xomed manufactures metal ventilation tubes only from titanium alloys and Austenitic medical grade stainless steel; however, slight magnetism can be characteristic of Austenitic stainless steel. While there are no known reports of MRI-related adverse effects to a patient due to any Medtronic Xomed ventilation tubes, caution is advised when administering MRI procedures. Caution is particularly advised when magnetic fields above 1.5 Tesla are used, as the effects at such levels have not been thoroughly studied. Additionally, image artifact can occur due to the material composition of the tube. Because of the potential for such artifact, alternative imaging techniques, such as CT scanning, should be considered.