Healthcare Professionals
Pulmonary Valved Conduit
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Healthcare Professionals
Pulmonary Valved Conduit
The Contegra® Conduit offers a natural alternative for reconstruction or replacement of the natural right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT).
The Contegra® Conduit is an integrated valved conduit for reconstruction or replacement of the natural right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) or replacement of a failed homograft or composite pulmonary conduit in patients.
Derived from a bovine jugular vein, the Contegra Conduit has no discontinuity between the lumen of the conduit and the trileaflet venous valve it incorporates. It is designed to allow the passage of blood across a continuous tissue interface and natural valve sinus.
The conduit is preserved in buffered glutaraldehyde and is readily available because no thawing or preclotting is required. The conduit is rinsed per instruction using an isotonic saline solution.
General complications reported with valved conduits and biological tissue valves implanted in the heart include: hemorrhage, bleeding diathesis due to use of anticoagulants, residual or increasing transvalvular gradients, progressive neointimal thickening and peeling, progressive stenosis and obstruction, progressive pulmonary hypertension, graft infection, endocarditis, regurgitation, hemolysis, valve malfunction, physical or chemical deterioration, thromboembolism, thrombus, conduit dilatation.
For additional information, please refer to the Instructions for Use provided with the product.